Friday, August 20, 2010

back at mission control for brief interlude, walk and feed the dog, feed the flowers, i myself have not eaten anything for almost 17 hours in preparation for tonight, i usually fast around 8-12 hours but i'm gonna go deep tonight, see if i can release some weird energy around me. loosen up a bit, i'm in need of some loving and feeling somewhat like richard hell and the viodoids.
val and i recorded some vocals for the 8 sky place song, it's sounding great but needs the japanese drum part and the girl singer, i am not sure who i will use, there are a few options.
we realised we have an unfinished song that i may ask margo smith to duet with me, i did actually write it with her in mind a long time ago.
anyways we sound good, the song has more form and as usual val was able to translate my autistic expression of how i wanted this to sound, he is masterful at production. my vocals are getting better, i've a hell of a long way to go before i'll be comfortable with them but i guess you have to start somewhere.
we did smoke a lot which always helps me get into a zone, i wonder if that constitutes fasting though?
oh well tonight is a good night to die.


Mark Ezra Merrill said...

captin, are you "dudes of neptune?" that just sent me $ for tarot cards? com'on that has to be right? right? one way or another they'll find there way....

captain mission said...

MEM - hi there, no i am not the dude of neptune although i am familiar as the dude from anteries 7.
i reckon steve will know who they are?
do you design tarot cards, i'd like to see them, do you have a web site,
i use the crowley deck but i saw a nice design called deviant moon that i'd like to check out.
okay MEM good luck.