captain mission wanders the streets of newport in his new aura and energy field, girls swoon as i walk past them, women start offering themselves to me, while their partners all gaze enviously at the wonderful aura that surrounds me. i push the girls away and head for the supermarket, gotta get me some crackers.
it's a messed up world out here, people running around voting for a government they think will save them, all these dramas played out in the media circus, left wing right wing, my budget is bigger than yours, i'm red, i'm blue, the poor fools that are plugged into this charade, can't they see past it?
strange plant goddesses and white witches make perfect sense to me, after all what else is a witch but a rebel in physics, and the plant goddess is the perfect wife for a voodoo love god like me, what else can a man ask for, mmm, the honeymoon would be kind of peculiar but what the hell, i'm an outta the box kinda guy. ayahuscia gives me a work out, straightens my spine, works on my joints, makes me laugh and helps me breath correctly, it's a good healing plant with super intelligence, i love the way it works.
i wander through the town at dusk, i see my friends, i travel the networks, ride the currents, hack the minds and hearts of those i encounter, see the lack. the lack of authenticity, the lack of reason, the lack of love, the lack of spirit, the lack of will, only until i encounter evan do i feel in clear clean waters.
we ponder the experience together, he is a great soul.
later at mission control i read the beginning of wendy's book, it's old and filled with wisdom but these theosophists are not my tribe, they are related but i don't subscribe to blatvasky any more than i subscribe to any one else, i am a pirate, i take what i need from what systems i come across and i hack it, play with the structure, fuck with the energy, manipulate the forces, tweak and modulate it into something else. the theosophists were mystics, i am a magickian.
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