Monday, August 02, 2010

the tranquillised life is curse of the modern woman, i see this in almost every relationship i have had for the last 10 years, the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries are destroying the goddess, with it's quick fix and one way street approach, it's designed a chemical substitute for living that is really an artificial death.
sure people need help through hard times, people need to let their hair down, people need to negotiate the challenges and overcome obstacles and sometimes they are so overwhelming that one has no choice but to use chemicals to correct the brain levels and chemistry to get to a point where they can make good sane decisions.
i do believe that people need to feel pain, emotional pain is part of life and facilitates growth, if one drinks or takes drugs to block feeling the pain, the pain will linger and manifest until it is recognised or the pattern creating pain will repeat itself in a new incarnation.
alcohol will take the edge off but when the chemicals in the brain are over run by the spirit of the chemicals in the substance it's a different story.
it ain't called spirit for nothing.
now we have something else entirely different.
nothing is based on a sense of reality anymore, the delusion that the self is making decisions makes decisions, and invariably they are the wrong ones for the spirit of these things are inherently evil. how can a chemically out of whack brain negotiate reality when a normal healthy brain finds reality difficult enough.
i hate the drug companies and alcohol people, i loath and despise them, i think if i had the opportunity to destroy them i would, the culture they have created disgusts me, there's no medicine in these drugs just evil intent and their victims are the innocent and vunerable.
i watched my ex girlfriend descend into madness through these things, i ended up with brain damage and she ended up having EST and sinking into the darkest space i have ever seen in anyone, it's an incredibly selfish act but i understand depression, i know how it works, i know why it exists but i cannot help see it as defeatist. yes i have been defeated as well but never let my depression become me for depression is the natural response to civilisation, how can one not get depressed, look at the pressure that's placed upon all of us, the stress of living, the incredible weight that we all carry just to survive. but this is the trap we set for ourselves, survival. survival in this civilization is based on maslows hierarchy of needs, the one that says we need food, shelter, warmth (see below)

the social conditions on women are not real, they are seething with complex double standards and image issues, magazines offer slim line beauty to aspire to but even these models have been photo shopped, perfect skin, fashion accessories, relationships, everything is all laid out yet the aspiration never actually brings happiness. society is brainwashed to think along certain lines, with certain morality, standards and judgements.
the things we aspire to gain will make us happy?
happiness is an internal point of space time, it can never be defined by external stimuli.
who made these codes, these artificial constructs?
men.which probably explains why so many of my friends are lesbians.
each domain influences the others, if a person needs alcohol or pills to survive then the other domains are out of whack, it is only by the process of self actualisation that one can beat these demons. but self actualization requires the self to be confronted and paradoxically the self is what most people are running from.
shadow dancing is what needs to happen, jungian or reichian theraphy would help.
it's time to look at missions, hierarchy of needs, which is somewhat different from maslow in the sense it applies to adults only. yeah it's R rated, so drawer the curtains and light a candle.
yes captain mission has a conceptual frame work that is an inverted maslows pyramid. all adults need to be self actualised before they consider the levels below.
if an individual is self actualized they know who they are, alcohol and phramecuticals are traps, it takes a strong will to challenge them and a scense of self.
i wish i could save my friends, i wish i could just save them but i can't. all i can do is love them and hope they see the value in that love. i don't know what else to do.
i'm defeated by fucking dumb drugs ravaging the most amazing people i know, causing havoc and tearing them apart, and me, it's making me very sad.

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