Friday, April 29, 2022

 when i first travelled through new mexico i seemed to comprehend the energy here was something that made me feel home, it was difficult to process in an intellectual way as i was quite young but it was comfortable and for the first time i felt like i belonged to this geography. now new mexico is basically desert, and i'm a water man, but the whole feeling that washed over me was one of elevation in peace, body and being. i recall vividly driving into santa fe and loving the vibe, the strange creative output, the laid back harmony, the smell, the taste upon the end on my tongue. my whole self acclimatised immediately, as if i had spend a past life living there in the new mexican landscape. 
i felt the same energy on my travels in a few other places, remote and obscured but none the less, the exact effect was experienced. i relate those points as key energy centres, good places for creativity, magick and spiritual awakenings. 
this morning on my way back from the beach i tune in to a radio show running of a repeat conversation with shirly mclaine. now i know she was a hollywood person who started writing new age type books before anyone else, she was either ridiculed or applauded for her outspoken comments which nowadays are considered very passe, things like reincarnation etc. 
and here she is talking about her dogs and what they have taught her. i'm just about to turn it off when she mentions she lives in new mexico and reveals the state has a high concentration of crystals, which she believes changes consciousness of the people that live in that state. 
i can't say for certain but i am willing to believe she is correct. that place is a really different energy to others, it vibrates and changes people. i felt it. it felt really good but she warns that it can have adverse effects and on some people it can send them crazy. 
i have seem similar effects with people who suscribe to magnetic theory, so someone can be sent slightly crazy by magnets and think they are healed. this type of delusion is very common in spirituality and the new age philosophy. which is why most people should just shut up, keep discrete or silent about these things. if they really have something to say write a book, start a web page or promote their philosophy through a creative conduit rather than preach on street corners. you are the change, so you need to be careful right. thats what they say. personally i don't suscribe to new age thinking, more old age. the new age is just aquarian repackaged piscean knowledge, which in turn is based upon antiquity. it all came from a source, that is long buried and distorted. so all we do is clutch at what we think is truth. i'm sure the truth is much stranger, which is why i like hinduism, its a unbound imagination filled with possibilities and the idea that cosmic forces play out human events that we can never really understand or comprehend. its all imagination, everything so make it beautiful. make it radiate beauty. after all, that's what crystals do.  

Thursday, April 28, 2022

as usual i encounter vast stupidity in australian business and institutions, all part of a cultural revolution to put the dumbest people in senior positions, preferably those who are super compliant yes people for there is nothing worse than some one who challenges management. the trouble makers are usually intelligent independant thinkers who are confident and self motivated and as usual the fact i have high standards backfires. better to be a drone than show initiative in the dumbest country on earth. interestingly my brother who works in the corporate sector said the same thing during his five year stay in sydney. 

encounters with these people are literally part of life, very few outside the box thinkers can advance anywhere in this country unless they work for themselves, or they have a self determined philosophical ethic.

i go shopping, something i don't like, but i require some basics. everything is very expensive, where an item cost $1 it is now $3. they blame the war in ukraine and bad weather but i suspect its the amount of people who refused the vaccine and lost their jobs. something the media has avoided to mention. so i'm walking through the apocalyptic landscape, life in australia where you can break all the rules of democracy and lock your people up for little or no reason, force them to take experimental drugs yet still they love you. the slavery mentality, the stockholm syndrome,  mass formation psychosis, brainwashing or plain stupidity. it's all on display now, the zombie apocalypse is mainstream.

i wonder what william burroughs would have to say?

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

as she continues her attempts to hack my facebook account she must be getting awfully frustrated. 'i know what i know,' is her mantra, and yet she knows nothing lest why else attempt hacking me. its funny and sad. kinda pathetic but she never understood karma, she sees it as cause and effect but it's really just cause. the effect is not where it's at. anyway as i wander along the road i understand she is in my wake, another sad person on a strange trip to nowhere but causing grief for innocents, amber heard you are not alone. and you are exposed now for what you are.

i do recall in the early days giving you the most important piece of information which you promptly choose to forget due to your narcissistic requirements to bury anything that reveals you. it was the most simple equation, and i gave it for a reason i would remember in the future. but you forgot it in the past so as you could not remember it in the future. and thus you are undone.

Friday, April 22, 2022

fuck me, i'm getting fitter and healthier as my weight shreds away my mind sharper than a razor blade, i have power now. the internal type, this is good as i feel the energy flow through me like a tidal force. i'm in balance now, moon and sun. i prepare the way, many challenges, many obstacles, not much time to sort everything out as the clock is tocking olde captain mission is rolling and rocking. early morning, the first thing i ask, 'isn't it evening?'


here's the definitive, from the best historical esoteric researcher around, you think you know about egypt, you think you know about the bible, you think you know but the truth is always much stranger. it's not what you wanna know, it goes against your bias and conditioning. 

an excellent book well worth reading as churton explores the archeology and excavates the hidden antediluvian world from the depths of mystery, to the surface and into the light.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

 i wake up and the first thought is buy a lottery ticket, which i didn't and regret, however i have a pile of lottery tickets i have not checked, these date back iterally 4 months so when i get a chance i have to check them. i did have a surprising day. on my way down to terrible beach someone rings me and insists on calling over and taking me out for fish and chips. this individual has asked a few times and i've been reluctant as time is limited and he had covid a few days ago and in the position i am in, can't chance it. plus it looks like a huge big rain cloud hanging low over the central coast.

despite my pleading this person forces themselves upon me, it's a battle of wills and in the end i give way. i dunno, i just run out of steam, i haven't slept, i am in pain and i have to start planning for an adventure.

i go down to terrible and grab breakfast, a few moments of peace as i take in jaz colemans book, it's so rich and interesting but it's epic and requires deep concentration.

then i have to head back to mission control and prepare the day. when they arrive we immediately go to the health food emporium down my street and investigate some products. this person likes supplements and takes a lot, so they stocked up, me i stick with my spirilina. i quite like the blue one, it's more feminine. then we go for the fish and chips, which i have to say are exceptional, even as we eat them down at terrible they are in a sort of bliss state and we actually have a laugh, and suddenly i realise i'm enjoying today. doing nothing. being no one. later we drive around cococabana and avoca as this person wants to buy up here, so we look at some houses. later i give them a little weed and we say goodbye. i do some domestics, watch shameless, eat some protien, skype with friends in brighton and much later take a magnisum bath and then thankfully sleep for 10 hours. the best sleep i have had in a while.

Thursday, April 07, 2022

almost finished riding the centipede, a homage to william burroughs in the form of a strange detective story as terrence blake attempts to escape the trauma of his past and alcohol present by solving missing people cases or in this story attempting to. the case has lasted three years and his employer jane teagarden is turing up the heat as she attempts to locate her brother marlon. but marlon is on a quest in the dark frontier, he's riding the centipede and each leg alters him slightly and gets him closer to the goal. and as marlon progresses psychopathic mutation rudolf chernobyl is tuning in and hot on his heels. all the characters are about to catch up with one another.
i am enjoying this book for a number of reasons, it's william burroughs territory, the characters are great, the pace perfect and the debauchery marlon has to endure is both perverse and creative as he passes through each leg, each trail, the algebra of need to get to the ultimate experience.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

blah blah blah, like a regurgitating machine, endless drivel in and endless drivel out, harping on like a tormenting old crone, do you really think your last three years have anything to do with me, it's not my fault your life turned to shit after you treated me the way you did, that's just a karmic hit. welcome to the universe baby. honesty and transparency, those words would be alien to you being such a sociopathic narcissist. 


Sunday, April 03, 2022

talking new projects with an old friend, he suggests a soundtrack to go with manifesto, which i am still working on. i like the idea as he speaks about an experimental theme, a succession of avent garde styles which would work well. i discuss a designer and he says, 'do it yourself.' 
this is the most plausible idea given my original designer cannot assist.
i have to work out each section, how it will look, the first one is easy but what program should i do it on?
can you blend word and photoshop, how can i get everything ready in one file to print. i will need to speak with a printer / publisher.
later we eat hash cookies and see a bad movie about a man who cures his incurable disease with bat blood but turns into a bat himself. i fall asleep halfway through. 
we wander around looking at street architecture, i'm planning what i would do to improve the look of some places, i must admit there are some interesting city dwellings off the beaten track in newtown.
i discover a drink i really like, and decide i will perfect the mix at home for winter. the drink is called 'negroni.'
equal parts gin, vermouth and campari over one large ice cube and a slice of orange peel. there are variations upon this theme but one must source with expert taste as the quality matters. a red vermouth, a london gin will counter the flavour of the campari perfectly. as far as variants go,  coffee negroni and cherry would be interesting.