Sunday, April 03, 2022

talking new projects with an old friend, he suggests a soundtrack to go with manifesto, which i am still working on. i like the idea as he speaks about an experimental theme, a succession of avent garde styles which would work well. i discuss a designer and he says, 'do it yourself.' 
this is the most plausible idea given my original designer cannot assist.
i have to work out each section, how it will look, the first one is easy but what program should i do it on?
can you blend word and photoshop, how can i get everything ready in one file to print. i will need to speak with a printer / publisher.
later we eat hash cookies and see a bad movie about a man who cures his incurable disease with bat blood but turns into a bat himself. i fall asleep halfway through. 
we wander around looking at street architecture, i'm planning what i would do to improve the look of some places, i must admit there are some interesting city dwellings off the beaten track in newtown.
i discover a drink i really like, and decide i will perfect the mix at home for winter. the drink is called 'negroni.'
equal parts gin, vermouth and campari over one large ice cube and a slice of orange peel. there are variations upon this theme but one must source with expert taste as the quality matters. a red vermouth, a london gin will counter the flavour of the campari perfectly. as far as variants go,  coffee negroni and cherry would be interesting.

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