okay so my star rises and falls and rises, yesterday venus soared today mars, balanced between jupiter, i'm loved and at war, but fortune smiles upon those who are acutely attuned, fortune and fate, the road fortune travels upon.
i'm just a solider in an invisible army, we have all died over and over, there's no fear left for death but a little for life. life has jaded us, made us loose the things we loved, the things we love, there is only one escape from this knowledge and we are facing it. death plays chess with us, it moves in my shadow, holding me in check often but i'm always one move ahead, until now.
now i see the mate, the finality of this game, it's up ahead but i don't mind, i'll run into it's arms and surprise it, but in the meantime i have work to do, songs to write, projects to complete.
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