Sunday, July 04, 2010

the australian labour party have made a strategically brilliant move, although very despicable. they have knocked the wind out of tony abbott, on immigration taking an almost john howard standpoint by changing the language to compassionate language but keeping the population happy. they have renegotiated the mining tax and taken the climate debate in hand. they have in fact adopted the policy's and ideas of the liberal wing. in fact there are more refuge's in detention than there were with howard. the language has changed but the general framework that labour operates in is no different than the liberals, only the liberals don't use the public relations that labour use and they don't bulk up the public service with inefficiency. ask any small business owner how impossible it is to run a business under labours bureaucracy
these ideas and so called changes are a distraction, very much like smoke and mirrors, the libs and labs are exactly the same party, anyone who supports one over the other is basically supporting a packaging and marketing idea not a political one. the greens are no alternative, they have no credibility whatsoever having such an extreme pc attitude no evolution can occur just stifling.
so what's the solution, the way out.
vote for me. i'll take you places that you only dream about.
here are my policies.
investment in all sustainable ecology
investment in the arts
edukation along the lines of stiener skools
sustainable immigration will involve compulsory work for two years earning a wage building infrastructure for the nation, ie solar panelling, dams, at the end of the two years migrants have a large wage plus have contributed to the australian future. they are free to do whatever they wish.
withdrawal from international politics except trade, australia must progress forwards using new ideas not the old ways of the old powers.
no more chopping down trees, death penalty for this, i'll pull the trigger myself.
investment in self sufficiency, that means no more selling farms to china, they stay here.
no more oil, alternatives used ie hydrogen engine
subsidize hemp growth, legalise grass with a small tax
ban alcohol and gambling
scrap the internet filter
support animal rights as much as human rights
no more fighting in wars far away , the military will be used as a peace keeping force in the local area of the asia pacific.
no more hypocrisy in policy, australia will strive for integrity.

send donations to
captain mission c/o
the trans dimensional party
po box 554

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