reaching out down the wire you opened up a little, little by little, inch by inch she reveals what lays behind the mask, it must be difficult, i appreciate the mask, it serves a purpose but i see through masks fast, it's my gift to see the face before you were born. old captain mission is a gentleman, he navigates this terrain with you, he leads you down a strange path, the road less travelled, yeah here you shed your skin, take of those clothes, lay down a while and make some love, intimacy, fear, death and rebirth, it's the little death baby for a new life, yeah my mojo is working. she's telling me her trauma and i know it hurts her, i know it causes her pain, it's the confrontation she avoids, healing takes fucking guts baby, you can do this, you can, i seen into your heart with hearts eye, i know it beautiful and i believe in you. yeah life took a tangent, it took a turn and a you ended up where you never thought you would be but that's life, that's where you have come to meet destiny, your free will and destiny are in the same point, now it's up to you. yeah i will be there, i will shine for ya, just trust and believe, and that all you have to do. i don't want anything, i have it all, but honour me and you get the keys to the kingdom.
it was good to hear your voice, it was good to hear your honesty, it was good.
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