Wednesday, December 08, 2010

cupcake and i.
strange attractor
on an axis of intuition
thousands of years on the make
ten years in the making
ten years in the unmaking
all things cancelled
all dark energies subdued by love
the clusterfuck is over
we worked through it and come away with it's opposite
that's what friends do, right?
that's what soul mates do.

our purpose is:
to divine each other the innermost spirit of beauty that may have been changed by infiltration from chaotic influence.

to remind one another of unity.

to keep each other real, in gentle ways.

to love one another unconditionally.

to bring order to chaos.

we have spent 19 423 lifetimes together.

we have to keep each other safe.

i had a little breakthrough - my need for safety is in actual fact my need for miss cupcake to be safe.

excellent, my intuition is 100% on track, trust it mission, follow the hearts code, do your great work for her the goddess, she is your boss now, for you are matrix builder, vortex builder, harmonic resonance activator, explorer of new dimensional anomalies.


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