diamond days, emerald nights, big old moon shines a white light through mission control and plays havoc with my radar, sending all sorts of feminine intuitive information along my spine into my brain and somewhere along the way there's a terrible glitch that actually puts my back out in an awful pain and discomfort. i meander through the rooms looking for my stash, smoke a large joint and puff on a second one, just top manage the pain. i numb myself back to sleep and in the morning everything back to normal.
i process my download, i agree to myself to call nico this afternoon and see if she's okay. i sense a disturbance in the field. in the meantime i catch up with evan, there's a lot going down in babylon, people and cars, it's all territorial.
i'm about to sit down with evan when nico calls, ah yeah, we touch bases.
then evan and i trawl through the countdown clock.
it's a short lived discussion, we know the end.
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