memory. i'm told it was at a fast food resturant ten long years ago, we stopped and played in the playground, sliding down the slide, swing around being monkeys, apparently we laughed so much we couldn't get up. did it happen, i have a vauge but very vauge feeling it may have, it sounds like me but i don't really know, maybe she is planting a memory, people do that, plant fasle memories in their own minds, replace the ugly truth with a beautiful lie. i don't know what lay in the past really, just vauge immpressions and strange images that glide across but this one, ooh there's something nice about this one, i wanna belive it. it feels right. i need to plunge myself into our past further, i need to find out but i'm somewhat worried about discovering something that best lay forgottern.
fuck i am a sensitive beast, a little piscean dreamer, a poet looking for a muse, did i find one, yeah but she's not mine, she belongs to others, is there one out there, yeah but she is married to another, she's engaged to some one, she can't love you she's having an affair with the bottle, what about that one? she's in love with her dealer, or at least his wares, well what ya gonna do?
old captain mission needs a muse, they don't come easy to him these strange old days, his twilight years, where did that last one go, oh yeah she went mental and shacked up with some rich guy from newcastle. mmmm, then there was that blonde haired girl sam with the chocolate obsession, mmm, what happened to her mission?
mmm, oh well i did get a few good songs from her, but in the end she turned out to be a catherine wheel, nice sparkle and spin but burnt out fast to her own crazy demon.
yeah well some slip buy, can't save them all, certainly tried.
well there's no medals in this war mission.
i wouldn't wear one if there were.
cos i ain't here for the medals.
what ya want?
i want to find some one brave enough to be my wife.
fat chance. you know your a freakazoid.
yeah, i know but that's the point isn't it, it's gonna take an exceptional freakazoidess to be my wife.
they don't exist captain mission.
yeah they do, they just all have girlfriends.
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