Friday, December 17, 2010

big day with the wife, mmm gorgeous little thing all glowing in the radiant twilight, after a big day in the lexo driving up and down big roads, very comfy, like travelling in my sofa, it glides along so smooth i feel like i already smoked a spliff and now im in chilled out zone, i love this car, everything is so easy, i'm even being driven.
somewhere in the middle of the day we have driven into a strange place, we head into some sort of shopping centre whose name i forget but it has a nordic flavour and many things to fill up your house with, i buy candles, i'm a candle kinda guy, miss cupcake buys lots of things in boxes and a plant. the security guard makes her pay money for the stuff though which puts a dampener on things but never mind, this nursery is gonna be very stylish.
i meet my friend lilly, we have both just had coffee and we talk manically as we have not seen one another for a while. i tell her about the glamour and the war against women, she digs it all cos she's a smart one, actually she's brilliant and i really loved seeing her, she's inner circle.
then i go with miss cupcake and the dogs to palm beach where drenched in the twilight suddenly miss cupcake becomes illuminated like a saintly being or something and her heart chakra opens up, jesus i'm gonna capture this moment in case it passes to quickly.

well it's a nice evening and romance is in the air, old pansy meets a dog called poppy. very cute.
on the way home i see how miss cupcakes defences have dropped, the fortress is busted open, the laser rays disabled and the massive force field that i could never penetrate fallen, all previous security devices and defences are down, and here she is in all her glory. wow, breathtakingly beautiful with a belly full of fish and chips and child.


captain mission said...

it's very hard to forgive, i'm somewhat unforgiving but i'm aware this is a terrible thing to be. it's incredibly unhealthy and self destructive and at the end of the day i love miss cupcake and forgiveness is and only should ever be an act of love.
and she actualy forgave me for my blog enteries when i was angry, in many ways i actually think she was quite gracious about things whereas i perhaps wasn't.

Cupcake said...

Two sides to every cupcake.