the problem with the modern woman is one of identity, most women are totally brainwashed by the male agenda, they conform to all male control structures without even knowing they are under control. it works on a simple phycological premise that started in ye olde days when man burnt witches at the stake because they feared the feminine principle, duality started here, good bad, male female, illusionary and part of the maya.
the male in their insecure (and i know cos i've been there) status of knowing the feminine principle is equally as powerful as the male has to subjugated women from discovering their power, so all sorts of constructed ideas are created usually within other memetic structures, religious and political.
the overall prime directive is to keep women away from their goddess nature, including the role of motherhood, in contemporary society this is done by making them hate their bodies, plugging them into the glamour, fashion, hollywood celeb, consumerism, finding unfulfilled relationships with abusive partners becomes an unconscious desire as that way they have the validation they require that reflects their self loathing, consequently women react to love in a negative way, destructive and seek out obliteration. i seen this so many times, the damage is almost unrepairable unless the woman is able to take some responsibility and self direct their own pattern of behaviour away from their eventual car crash.
as an avatar of the goddess i think men have a massive responsibility to take some interventionist approach here, start focusing on the reality of feminine principles and educate women away from the lie that males create unless of course women want to be powerless and the play things of men, androids, i call them, which most of them do.
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