what do i know, not much. but this is how i see it.
most of the medical establishment is a placebo effect. you feel ill, you go to the dr. who tells you what's wrong and what pills you need to take. immediately your investment in his expertise and your ignorance is established. now you have a label for what's wrong, you have a little box you can put it in and some pills. take the pills start to feel better, unless you don't invest in the placebo. unless you know that most of the pharmaceuticals are pointlessly prescribed and everyone is over medicated.these drug companies make illnesses up, they test their drugs on a public who have no other way of trusting what they have invested in. you spend cash on drugs, your invested, your under the belief it will cure you, it's an investment. it's the belief that cures you.
there should be a science called beliefiology, the science of believe. in the uk they tested anti depressants and found that they don't really work, they used a placebo and got the same results.
now there is a place for these drugs with severe depression and illness, i'd be foolish to write that all pharmaceuticals are placebos but there is a lot of research indicating that in most milder cases they are.
the journal of american medical association concurs
what's a diagnodsis but an educated guess in most parts, tell some one they have cancer and it's incurable, chances are they believe that and end up dying, i dunno. look it's food for thought, i question everything, it's my nature not to accept established models, be-it religion, politics science and philosophy. all things must be tested.
i believe that illness and sickness all start in the mind. all start from belief, belief about oneself usually. guilt, un forgiveness, blame, anger these experiences must be processed and healed on all levels lest they manifest as physical.
there you go, think about that.
I agree with a lot of what you say.
However, I have a twist on illness being in the mind. While I also agree with that ideal. I have to say, my thinking is that it isn't so much that people think they're ill or are going to be. I think they're called Hypochondriacs. But what I'm thinking is more along the lines of what people think and do that makes them ill.
Watching my mother before her passing showed me that what she did in life caused her illness. She stressed out a lot. She struggled a great deal, and all of it was her own doing. She never relaxed. She didn't know how to, and because of this, my futile attempts by merely saying so were not enough for her to understand.
It wasn't until she was on her death bed where things got clear for her, but alas, it was too late for this life. Perhaps in the next one.
i dunno man, i read a great book called unconditional health unconditional mind by an indian aydevedic doctor who is also a medical dr.
i also read a few books on the drug companies and how they market their wares, it's a giant industrial machine that preys on us, the cash crop. wether it starts in the mind or not, the fact is a science based model should stick with the science and if science say's, most pharmaceuticals are placebos then we may as well all save some cash, time and adverse reactions and head down the garage and by some m and m's.
i've seen many cases where meds have helped people, after all it's all chemistry but what comes first, the belief that generates the chemistry or the chemistry that generates the belief. fuck with the mix to much and things get fucked up. i really believe that healing operates on multi levels. personally i heal faster with white magick than medicine in my own experience but that's just my belief.
hey so how the hell do we know one another pip, obviously through val, have i met you? i've got an unusual memory sorry. we should catch up, i'm there tomorrow during the day, pop in say hi. i'd love to meet you ( again )
we will probably be there from 10 - 4
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