Monday, November 29, 2010

2 hours of sanctuary
you smell good, naturally feminine.
you have soft eyes, bright like a horses intelligence.
you have very interesting feet and the hands of a artist.
and you speak the truth, no forked toungue.
you have a great big heart, maybe like an octopus you have three big hearts
and you have added bonus points...
a nice feminine smell
inviting arms generously offerring snuggles and cuddles in a warm cozy bed
where i can just fall asleep in her arms.

it's not love but if feels like i'm liked and that is enough for me. i'm tired, i'm tired of kicking against the pricks, what a fucking hellish thing to put me through. after everything. you must really hate me but i really thought you may just actually like me this time around.

what's a man gotta do these days, it's not like i want much outta life, just find my girl and take the easy way home, kids, cake, joy and laughter, a smoke at the end of an easy day. it's been a easy days night but when i get home to you i find the things that we do make everything easy alright. simple, two peas in a pod. i don't wanna control ya baby, i'm digging what we have, it's okay, i'm not after anything less than respect and you always gave me that, respect and kindness. you're more evolved than any fucking girl i know, more switched on and more sexier and i saw your sassy smart side today, yeah, you got me. very cool.
we are both special cos we want one another to be free and happy. we will keep them stupid idiots at bay with our moon guns and the kids can have lemonade pistols and custard pie guns.

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