Thursday, January 24, 2019

i have wild dreams, in an ocean of turbulence, swept this way and that, through all sorts of ebbs and flows, it's a journey with no destination, i'm carried along where forces take me but i am aware i'm in this dream. when i wake up it's still dark outside.
very early morning i speak with my father, long conversation but there's little to speak about. it's chit chat, his life is coming to  transition, i want him to feel okay about everything, to feel no fear and let go with love and dignity as i will have to, it's sometimes awkward to speak to him about but sometimes he enjoys the affirmation. i tell him there's a new clint eastwood movie called the mule but he does not seem motivated, it's winter and miserable outside. we say goodbye and i drive to the beach. 
the mirror is vast, it's straddles two land masses, reflecting the sky. a gentle ripple flows across it's surface. it's perfect for meditation, not surfing this morning so i cast my mind into the void and fish for information. i feel okay, i'm calm and at peace, i'm getting healthy and being productive at work and in my own life. my desires are simple, i am loved by the universe, i feel it every moment of every day unless i'm on the phone to telstra or dealing with the zombie horde. my garden is fertile, abundant jungle. my needs are met. i hold a space for someone to arrive. i have no expectations, i have no limitations. 
my son calls seeking some advice - be free, don't carry to many things while you are young, be in the moment and open to all possibilities. 
i'm glad he rang me. 
i miss him but he is where he needs to be.
harmony is powerful, a good space to sit in. 

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