olde captain mission drags his bones into the city to watch 'the book of vilah' play a short set at central station for harmony day. the sound is amazing, filling up the huge hall as people wander from platform to platform, a crowd stops to watch the strange musicians, some one hands out cds. captain mission closes his eyes, and listens as this music washes over him, sad yearning melodies and songs of light and hope, mmm, this music has a power, it's beautiful.
i join the musicians in the bar, val and i are approached by a strange man from an island, he's drunk and talking nonsense but we are gentlemen and send him off on his merry way, happy and satisfied. we discuss why we are always approached by these types.
val says, 'its because we have friendly faces.'
i think it's because they recognise our inner freak natures but i don't say anything, enjoying the idea that i have a friendly face.
later i ride the bus home and a freak stands next to me, he's obviously got some sort of illness as he shouts out his rants and demented raves about, women, buses and days of the week interrupting himself with intermittent laughing, screaming and swearing like demented turrettes whirlwind rage. the bus is packed, i'm squished up in the lsle managing to keep my distance from the strange man screaming and waving his arms around. the bus stops and the driver yells out, 'move down, make some room' so i am forced to stand next to this man who is drooling in anticipation as he begins to yell at me about his strange obscure obsessions. yeah i gotta friendly face.
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