well here i am in my post deconstructionalist blues, assessing the old situation, watching war on tv, big brothers and media incorrectness as it struggles with truth and content, i mean it's easy to appease the vast numbers of people on one side who out number the enemy, who have the worlds biggest resource, who will stop at nothing to realize their ambition, while historically the global enemy of all nations, the one civilization that has survived overwhelming odds and is in a position to protect itself now, desires peace with its neighbor's and the rest of the world, yet does not have oil, does not have good media, does not have the kind of peace that you or i have, why?
I know the answer? but do you?
the biggest misrepresentation the public makes is this idea of disproportionate attacks. the accusers have a very monfocused view upon the truth, if one accounts an even ratio of proportion via population, it is overwhelmingly clear that the victims are mostly Israeli citizens. a population of 6 million surrounded by a population of 280 million.
Yet why over here in the laid back educated suburbs of sydney do i constantly deal with comments like, 'fucking jews' and 'bastard Israelis' and the ever common, 'its the jews that control the money and power, and the us government.'
Well like i said i know the answer but do you?
Lets look at what i know. I know that Israel does not support george bush at all, in fact it had a much better relationship with Gore, who was in fact a lot more pro isreal than Bush and his family and friends who have investments with the oil sheikh in the Mid East. Yeah generally jews are smart, they do attain positions in society like drs, lawyers, writers, artists, musicians, despite being possibly the smallest minority religion on the planet, but so freaking what, is that such a crime, george soros was on tv last night the man accused of causing the asian meltdown, he was the person the blame fell upon, 'the jews control the money' and last night what was he doing, he was giving it away, billions and he was talking about how he invested and lost billions in the fight against bush, he was talking about his experiences in a concentration camp, he said it was ironic that the one thing he is proud of is is 'humility.' He was smart enough to see the irony in that statement.
Lets look at the dreaded word Zionism. These days its associated with fascism and many people i know equate the star of david (Israel's flag) with the swastika. Well zionism is based upon the idea that jew can live in isreal free from persecution. I have heard millions of arguments why this is an issue for people but the fact is jews are still persecuted outside of Israel, everyday for the last 3 weeks i hear comments that are racially motivated against jews, just as any Parisian jew how they feel or alternatively the jews of England who had to deal with blares political campain posters of a shylock charactuture taking money from the poor printed on a poster as Micheal Howard the Conservative party leader. That's why when isreal defends itself it's defending the entire population of jews over the world.
I hate the idea of having to take sides, i want peace on planet earth as much as anyone, i want to embrace my arab neighbor and honour our god together, that's why when Barak tried to make peace with Arafat, he was not the one who wore a gun to the summit. That's why 99.99% of what arafat wanted back, land was offered and rejected, yet isreal withdrew from gaza. here is a country that will do almost anything for peace, yet it's a peace it will never attain. Why?
i don't really wanna get into an ongoing argument with people about this at all but i am intrested in why people are so frightened of israel and have such a huge issue with it. i mean its far from perfect but then hows your own govt?
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