Sunday, July 02, 2006

okay here's my solution to the middle east crisis, you get all the teenagers from both sides, send them on a p and o cruise, make sure they are all wearing the same clothes, slip them some love drugs, the cruise lasts one year and by the time all the girls are pregnant no one's going to know who's baby is whose, therefore you have introduced a third element into the conflict. these children are divided up and sent back to the two countries and as a result neither side will know who is their ligitimate child and therefore stop killing. as time passes the next generation will never believe in their families absolute fundamentalism and eventually as they grow they will give up religion all together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

several thousand years ahead of your time, but brilliant.
a true sexual revolution spoken by someone whos actually been there on the ground.
sex & drugs & sunshine - the answer to all biorganic info-problems.