Wednesday, May 03, 2006

very nice long sublime trip through the dreamworlds and landscapes, exotic and erotic, long distance love, absinthe makes the heart grow fonder and a fonder heart is always a good thing. did a little deal this morning with a straight dude in a suit and a bmw, made myself some cash which i spent quick sharp on some books. met agent stoned in avalon often referred to as babylon in these here pages, curiously when i text avalon it comes up as cuckoo. so we meet in the depth of the book shop where i introduce her to the triple e tea jake and i are partical to, we discuss her love life, the chemicals they put in strawberry flavors (cancer causing poison) games girls and boys play and ponder the idea of breakfast. Agent stoned actually has a special diet so we move to a suitable cafe where i have a very expensive smoothie and she has a plate of poached eggs and spinach, all servered up by a snobby teenage waitress filled with some sort of attitude and disdain for us. i guess a dark skinned dude dressed in black, looking unwashed unshaved and slightly dazed and disheveled in their exclusive restaurant with the glamorous blonde brings fear and loathing into their narrow minds, so we eat drink and run.

entropy is defined in classical thermodynamics as the amount of energy in a system that cannot be used to do work.
in statistical thermodynamics entropy is defined as a measure of disorder.
yet entropy can lead to order and order disorder, the two cannot exist without the other, ie yin yang concept
Now lets apply time...curtosy of wikipedia.


The symmetry of time can be understood by a simple analogy. If time were perfectly symmetric then you could take a length of film from a movie and have everything that happens in it make sense whether you ran the film backwards or forwards. For example if gravity were symmetric then you could play a movie of the planets orbiting the sun and have the orbits follow paths obeying the laws of gravity regardless of which direction you ran the film. Indeed Gravity is symmetrical, and a film of the solar system would show just that.
Now imagine filming a ball in motion near the moon. If you were to play a short stretch of this film in one direction it would appear as though the ball were moving upward and slowing down. If you played it in the other direction it would appear to be falling towards the moon and speeding up. At first there might appear to be an asymmetry, in one direction the ball is speeding up, in the other it is slowing down. However, in either case the ball is accelerating towards the moon (the ball slowing down as it moves away is an acceleration in the opposite direction of travel) and so the gravity remains time symmetric.

Arrows of Time

The thermodynamic arrow of time

The thermodynamic arrow of time is provided by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which says that in an isolated system entropy will only increase as time increases; it will not decrease over time. Entropy can be thought of as disorder, such that the Second Law implies that time is asymmetrical with respect to the amount of order in an isolated system (i.e. as time increases, a system will always become more disordered). This asymmetry can be used empirically to distinguish between future and past. In other words, an isolated system will become less and less ordered towards the future.
While any isolated system becomes more and more disordered with time, correlations are formed between different parts of the system. A simple example is the breaking of a glass: the final state (a broken glass) is less ordered than the initial state (a whole glass), but there are now a correlation between its different parts - the breaking lines of the different parts fit each other. Thus, any isolated system is ordered and its parts uncorrelated in the past, and it is (relatively) disordered and its parts correlated in the future.
The second law does not hold precisely; any system can fluctuate to a state of lower entropy (see the Poincaré recurrence theorem). Rather, the Second Law describes the overall trend of the system to a state of higher entropy.
This arrow of time seems to be highly related to all other arrows of time (usually it is their reason), with the exceptions of the (unrelated) weak arrow of time.

The cosmological arrow of time

The cosmological arrow of time points in the direction of the universe's expansion. It may be linked to the thermodynamic arrow, with the universe heading towards a heat death as the amount of usable energy becomes negligible. Alternatively, it may be an artifact of our place in the universe's evolution (see the Anthropic bias), with this arrow reversing as gravity pulls everything back into a Big Crunch.
If this arrow of time is related to the other arrows of time, then the future is by definition the direction towards which the universe becomes bigger. Thus, the universe expands - rather than shrinks - by definition.

The radiative arrow of time
Waves, from radio waves to sound waves to those on a pond from throwing a stone, expand outward from their source, even though the wave equations allow for solutions of convergent waves as well as radiative ones. This arrow has been reversed in carefully worked experiments which have created convergent waves, so this arrow probably follows from the thermodynamic arrow in that meeting the conditions to produce a convergent wave requires more order than the conditions for a radiative wave. Put differently, the probability for initial conditions that produce a convergent wave is much lower than the probability for initial conditions that produce a radiative wave. In fact, normally a radiative wave increases entropy, while a convergent wave decreases it, making the latter contradictory to the Second Law of Thermodynamics in usual circumstances.

The causal arrow of time
Causes are ordinarily thought to precede effects. The future can be controlled, but not the past. Some have argued that this does not actually supply a distinct arrow. If the thermodynamic arrow were reversed then we would regard scattering shards on the floor to be the cause and the plate jumping up into our hands to be the effect. Indeed, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, initial conditions are always simpler (more ordered and less self-correlated) than final conditions, and therefore it is easier to view the former as the reason for what happens in between.
The psychological arrow of time is also interconnected with the causal arrow of time, because we remember the past and can affect the future (but not vice versa), and therefore we view the past as the reason for the future.

The weak arrow of time
Certain subatomic interactions involving the weak nuclear force violate the conservation of parity, but only very rarely. According to the CPT Theorem, this means they should also be time irreversible, and so establish an arrow of time. Such processes should be responsible for matter creation in the early universe.
This arrow is not linked to any other arrow by any proposed mechanism, and if it would have pointed to the opposite time direction, the only difference would have been that our universe would be made of anti-matter rather than from matter. More accurately, the definitions of matter and anti-matter would just be reversed.
That parity is broken so rarely means that this arrow only "barely" points in one direction, setting it apart from the other arrows whose direction is much more obvious.

The quantum arrow of time
Quantum evolution is governed by the Schrödinger equation, which is time-symmetric, and by wave function collapse, which is time irreversible. As the mechanism of wave function collapse is still obscure, it's not known how this arrow links to the others. While at the microscopic level, collapse seems to show no favor to increasing or decreasing entropy, some believe there is a bias which shows up on macroscopic scales as the thermodynamic arrow. According to the theory of quantum decoherence, and assuming that the wave function collapse is merely apparent, the quantum arrow of time is a consequence of the thermodynamic arrow of time (also see Entropy (arrow of time)).

The psychological/perceptual arrow of time
This is the most obvious arrow in human experience: We feel as if we are travelling from the past to the future; we perceive and remember the past and not the future (although sometimes these are treated as two different phenomena). However, because the workings of the mind are so complex and little understood, it is not obvious how the physical arrows of time contribute to this perception. It may be that learning to generate the causes needed to produce desired effects embedded the causal arrow in our perception.
It has also been argued that the arrow of time as we perceive it results from the influence of the second law of thermodynamics on the evolution of the brain, so that the psychological arrow follows from the thermodynamic. To remember something, our memory goes from a disordered state to a more ordered one, or from one ordered state to another. To ensure that the new state is the correct one, energy must be used to perform the work and this increases the disorder in the rest of the universe. There is always a greater increase in disorder than the amount of order gained in our memory, thus the arrow of time in which we remember things is in the same direction as that in which the disorder of the universe increases.
The link between this arrow of time and the thermodynamic arrow of time is best understood if we remember that the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that correlations between different parts of a system will be increased towards the future (rather than towards the past). Since memory is correlations between our brain cells (or computer bits) and the outer world, it is obvious why memory should be created as time passes (towards the future) rather than vice versa (towards the past). Additionally, our deeds may affect the future but not the past because affecting the outer world means to create correlations between ourselves (our bodies or brains) and the outer world.

An example of irreversibility

Consider the situation in which a large container is filled with two separated liquids, for example a dye on one side and water on the other. With no barrier between the two liquids, the random jostling of their molecules will result in them becoming more mixed as time passes. However, once they have mixed you would not expect the dye and water to separate out again simply by being left to themselves.
Now imagine that the experiment is repeated, but this time with a very small container with only a few molecules (perhaps only 10). Given a relatively short period of time, one can imagine that – by chance alone – the molecules would eventually become separated for an instant, with all dye molecules on one side and all water molecules on the other. This is formalized in the fluctuation theorem.
It is not impossible for the molecules in the large container to separate out, just so very unlikely as to never actually happen – even if given the lifetime of the Universe to do so. The liquids start out in a highly-ordered state and their entropy (a word that is sometimes defined as "disorder") increases with time.
If the large container is observed early on in the mixing process, it might be found to be only partially mixed. It would be reasonable to conclude that, without outside intervention, the liquid reached this state because it was more ordered in the past, when there was greater separation, and will be more disordered, or mixed, in the future.

okay there are two reasons why i stuck that little rant in my blog,
1- because i want to show how time is a relative construct, especially in relation to aging / entropy
2- becuase as a magickian one must be able to influence or at least believe one can influence the time construct.

chronologically i am 44 yet i am often mistaken for a early thirties, my son Jake is aften mistaken for my brother and most people that know me are all in awe at my youthful appearence and approach to life, this was something i refined later from Dr. Hyatt, Isreal Regarde, Timothy Leary and Robert Wislon.
firstly i stopped taking any notice of structured time at an early age, days of the weeks, months, years, i avoided being under any calander control (a mayan technique) this included never wearing watches, or having clocks nearby, when i was living with my parents i just broke all the clocks, reset them or pawned them, it was an obsession, almost a phobia becuase it was so irrational, i had no rational explination for why i did this at that time. I also became aware quite early that my body was the measuring device, time would record itself upon, therefore if time were a construct i control, then i could slow its influence down upon my body. The cosmetic industry is worth billions when all the techniques to prevent aging are simple enough to put onto a cd.
the other thing i was aware off was diet, avoid any poisons, meats and age enhancing food stuffs, this is to deal with internal aging, becuase i know that one can appear young but internally organs can be old. Yes the wholistic approach is very imporant. As we can see the arrows of time are varied and one must make adjustments in all, ultimatly time is just like space, an process for keeping information.
one of the most important techniques i use as a magickian is to run my time in what ever dimension that suits me, for example,
if my girlfreind dumps me and i feel really sad, i replay the event backwards to the point we are falling in love, then freeze it. that loop is now my reality, we started of badly in the relationship but we fell in love. together with non attachment, and expectation this is very effective in any situation. however it is no good unless you follow the process i have laid out in previous posts.
the more you do this the less entropy occurs, everything is useful, disorder becomes order, therefore aging slows.


Aline said...

Aussie Genius Captain Mission

Anonymous said...

be aware that thermodynamics is still based in newtonian static spacetime & equations that require stable values.
it was one of the systems that lead to the formation of quantum-style dynamics.
im not sure that it bridges the gap - rather more that it defines the turning point where newtonian begins to fray.