emilie and i have been sending text mesages to one another, actually they are mostly from her, i tend to respond if she asks a question, but i get the feeling she is bored, there's no wind up there, she's stuck with gold coast husband and i can see her brain ticking over wondering how to prokoke a reaction form me, so text messages come all the way from queensland, i see she wants me to be wild and outragous but i can't, she asks what would i do to get her and i reply nothing, she sees me as a dull, middle aged, boring man who is no fun and that's becuase i don't reveal a lot about myself to her, i keep everything close to my chest, all she knows is i have her in my sights, she is my target and she is locked in, my intentions are honourable and she can't bear the fact that i can resist her sexual preditorary nature. (it's fucking hard i confess), the other thing she cannot bear is the fact i can let her go, becuase i know she can't let me go, as a friend or as a soul mate, we are and always will be bound.
that's just the way it is in love and non locality, it's weird shit, the place i inhabit.
so this blog of mine took an emotional tangent i never saw coming, i'd like to get back on track, but will keep you posted on the way things pan out.
the magickian's relationship with time and space is very important, never believe for one minite that you are confined by them, i travel through time and i travel through space, and sometimes i let space and time travel through me (but not often)
this is only possible with the ego destroyed, don't for one minite fool yourself that you can do this, unless you have been totally demolished, and i am not talking about a bad relationship here, i am talking about tramua. drugs, near death, magickal mystical process or induction into the type of extreeme school, ie initiation.
one on the path, everything will occur that needs to, the secret school is the intelligence in the universe, it reveals itself to the magickian but it takes an extra ordianary mind to undestand its language, the old testament had a few good examples but the new testament has one example and the various mystical traditions will have others, there are plenty to chose from, it is however another story to adopt one and then to practise it's methods.
talk is cheap and thats why the best technique when taking this road is don't talk about it, do it. Crowley was persecuted throughout his life by the magical schools becuase he published everything, there were no secrets and Crowley made everything available. The Mystery schools up until that point had always kept a tight reign on it's secrets and practices feeling that the information could be dangerous if it fell into the hands of just anyone.
what tends to happen is a group's secrets are exposed, but they are so surreal and bizare as they are symbolic, that they make no sense or intimidate the observer. The Masons are a great example, here is a group of men who practice strange rituals they say are spiritual in nature, yet for hundreds of years people have been scared of them, saying they want to rule the world, or they are behind all global politics, when in actual fact this is a myth, in the same way that jews run the world and that giant lizards have infiltrated the royal family (thanks david ikcie)
yeah it's only real if you want it to be, it's only true if you believe it to be.
'nothing is true everything is possible'
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