if there's one thing i can't seem to crack in this life its the secret of money, i work on the principle that if i keep it flowing, ie what comes in goes out, and never plan to save, then at least it flows in. The times i attempt to save are the times i come undone. But for the last few years i adopted an attitude that if i do what i love and not worry about the money then i'll generate money, but this has not worked. In fact i am now in debt. Its true i don't have the intrest or the mind for finantial matters, i am well outta my depth, i mean when i was divorced i had no idea who my bank was. People who understand money always facinate me, i am surrounded by wealthy people, they all seem to manage their money by living really boring safe lives, but there has to be a happy meduim, i'd quite happily adopt a boring life, I've tried may times but i am always thwarted, so yesterday when i recieved a bill from my accountant for $2000 i was stumped. I mean this guy gets me less on my tax return than any other accountant i have ever had and charges more. There's no way i can pay this, so i rang him up only to be told that i am going to be charged intrest. Can you believe this?
$2000 would get me on the exhibition circuit, it would pay for at least 4 more pieces of art i can sell and generate $ from, but no, its gotta go towards some breadhead straight to stash in his offshore bank account.
If i was generating enough cash it wouldn't be a problem but i litreally live hand to mouth, to pay such a debt risks me getting into further debt.
emilie the french girl seems to be ringing me more than ever now, inviting me out, telling me about her troubles, it's strange as i want to catch up with her but my motivation is shot, it's spent energy on something that could have been but never was. i been reading about the Hawkwind tour of Sydney 2000, they were due to play in New Zealand but the promoters ripped them off, offererd to pay them in bags of dope so they relocated and played in Australia. They loved it, apparently they have a huge fan base here. I am pretty certain my friend Proffesor Leary went to see them. I would have if i had my finger on the pulse, i think they played at the metro, a small venue, more club like. That would have been something. The book seems to shatter the myth that Hawkwind were a bunch of peace loving harmony hippies, in fact the inner tensions between members was horrific, ending in court, unpaid royalties, unfair wage structures and inequity, the discord could be harnessed to supply the grid. Shame, i sort of regret reading the book now, i liked the myth not the saga.
you betcha. i did see hawkwind in 2000. didnt plan to, and all i knew of them was that neil from the young ones mentioned them once or twice.
they showed up unanounced at a massive 'happy valley' 3 day rave in the middle of nowhere and just kinda freaked all the 25 yearolds out. who the hell are these 50 yearolds covered in day-glo paint smashing up violins?' everyone wanted to know.
still without a doubt the loudest thing ive ever heard - and the most intense. essentially 3 hours of droning electronica with psychotic drumming and vocals chanting stuff like 'all humanity must orgasm simultaneously' etc.
quite a weird thing to find in the middle of all the happE smilE trippE people.
so there you go.
your money trip sounds like its no longer fun. money is currently not working for you.
alan greenspan (head of the US federal reserve, surprisingly a very switched on guy who revolutionized the world economy) said simply that 'money follows ideas'.
now, theres a millon and one ways to interpret this of course, and the way do is by taking it as; fun tokens and applied innovation go together.
money is a portable unit of SOMEONE ELSES value - what your $ is worth is not actually up to you, its up to whoever you confront with it. do not worry, you can affect the value system of the other party tho.
increasing the amount of money you have, or the VALUE of those fun tokens is simply a matter of putting them in front of other people who will increase their value. in other words, dont get economicly involved with people who fail to add to the value of your fun tokens. only you can judge this, but a rule of thumb may be to parallel this with the idea of only hanging out with people who make you feel good.now, part B is the matter of applied innovation - the ideas your money will be a part of. this ties in totally with the people you put your money amongst - the more innovative those people, the more opportunity your money has to get involved with processes that will increase its worth.
observe the rules of growth in any other system and apply them to your money.
first & foremost tho you need to develop an indicator of what 'enough' money is. once done, when faced with any monetary decision, never step away from that outcome WITHOUT REVISING the 'enough' indicator.
if your 'enough' indicator is the amount that allows you to eat out and buy acid once a week, then make every decision reflect that. dont change it without reevaluating the entire thing.
of course revaluate your monetary values as often as youlike - indeed as your money grows you will have to.
like a baby, despising or fearing or manipulating or abusing money will only fuck it up.
likewise, surrounding your money with humour and potential and understanding etc will give it the best opportunities.
you gotta look deep into yourself and see what your innermost vibe towards money is. you gotta go quantic with it and evaluate its potential and expand its probability.
consider the circles your money travels thru. what economic circle are you part of. the coffee/bookshop/petrolpump/raw juice circle will have a different oscillation to the shiraz/armani/sashimi/rolex one.
consider and define what your dollar is growing into - what does it become part of. is $3 for a coffee the final value of your money, or is it a lear jet?
in the greater cycle of economics, where are you? how do you affect money both in the micro and the macro? apply chaos theory/butterfly-hurricane stuff.
its ideas that turn your income into your output.
another thing ol' greenspan said was 'the only certain about tommorrow is that it wont be like today'.
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