Thursday, August 29, 2019

exhaustion catches up with me and i'm contemplating if i can actually drive home or should i stay at friends, my choices are limited and time is running out. tick fucking tock. 
ms. mission suggests a local motel and we rendezvous for a night of deep sleep as we are both on the edge of some sort of collapse. ms. mission has been a busy bee, saving people, saving souls and saving love. she is pretty amazing. 
it's good to see her, it feels like months since i last saw her but it was a few days ago and she looks spectacular in the nighttime as she emerges from her car like a beautiful butterfly from a sliver slender cacoon.
we lay in silence, both spent shapes as we fade out into whatever envelopes us. a new energy seems birthed, something very different dances between us, it has intelligence and meaning.
'what is this called' i ask?
'beauty', she whispers.
it floats around us entwined like some third force only we can manifest, it's sensual and soft sexuality does the work, we just seem to lay there like puppets, it's passive and active, it's light and yet has substance and it fills me with a new type of feeling. 
'it's old' she says between breaths.
'it's deep' i reply.
later i'm about to meet someone for lunch and i'm understanding things have changed. my feelings of love have shifted from deep to deeper and i am at peace with it all.
how strange.
it is getting stranger all the time.

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