Sunday, December 22, 2013

so what are angels? my non academic eye informs me these are aspects of intelligent energies, either hermetically sealed inside our own minds released and then projected out or they are part of a structured and ordered host of beings that inhabit the universe, on the fringes of our perception and occasionally they intervene in the affairs of humans. 
i don't know what the answer is and in a way it dosn't matter, the issue is undoubtedly about process, how do we access this stuff, apart from a spiritual science, a investigation into our own minds and our intuitive natures and seemingly deep reservoir of power that lays dormant within our subconscious. 
an angel will manifest differently to different people, and in different times, i imagine angel technology (magick) would evolve and appear far different in contemporary times than biblical, it may explain extraterrestrials on earth, who knows? 
i am speculating that it is possible to access angels whatever your definition through a spiritual path called magick in particular the process of augoeides. peter carroll reckons there are two elements to this, 

'one being the projected image of whatever the magickian is evolving towards, the other is a quantum uncertainty which ultimately determines the results of the magickian and is the very spark of the creative force.'

true will, in other words? 
the important key to this is remember language can't be used to describe the territory, symbols work more effectively as we can see by the magickal language we inherit, it lasted a lot longer than other languages, it crossed time and space and borders, it's a language 
of profound meaning, it's rich and beautiful and true.

the problem is you gotta destroy your ego, loose your friends and family, be humiliated and called a nut and basically turn the other cheek without loosing your own self respect. just like a fool, you don't need to know where you are going, you don't need to take anything because you have your trusty friend, a dog or partner who will follow you blindly, the blind leading the blind, yet, intuition maps the way, we are not totally blind because the minds eye is opening now, it perceives information almost everywhere and simultaneously nowhere, because now you have to have a conversation with it, is it good information that evolves (holy info or destructive information that inhibits, you develop a way of attaching significance to parts of the experience and you let go of the others, usually doing the inverse of what a rational mind would do. 
it takes an intrepid explorer to loose sight of the shore to discover new lands sometimes.
so as soon as this path begins, it's very difficult to deviate from the road, in fact it's usually why we rebirth, over many lifetimes we have to find the truth. 
there may be many of these but there is only one truth.
my truth as it stands is i know nothing and everything, everything and nothing. i speak with angels, they speak to me, i write. i smoke weed and i love my friends and have a healthy positive outlook upon the natural world and the vast realm of intelligence in the universe, i'm disappointed by humanity, we should be better, we need to be better collectively, yet as individuals i am always lifted by the art people generate, the writing, the music and the film always moves me, the really good stuff can change my consciousness, challenge me and stimulate me towards transcendence but it's a challenge to get away from valuing the maya and investing in kindness and love and freedom to be true to ourselves but once we know it, movement may shift away from our preprogrammed selfish desires. 
towards the end of the process you let go of all power and control, you let go of your thoughts that are just fleeting bytes of information, the brain lets go of it's memories, the heart let's go of its beating memory, the soul remembers what it remembers, the stuff that sustains it, and thus you loose all that's not real anyway. 

HGA is a process of surrendering, it's basically what religions attempt to organise but it requires little in the way of creed and hierarchy. it requires that you don't eat meat, you are away from society, you generate love towards everything and you devote your attentions to the spirit of the universe for at least 6 month. 

the process works but there are other processes, these angels have been with us all our lives, they are familiar to us, we just have to remember to remember that we forgot how to remember them. 
memory is a trap as much as a tool, intuition is a subtle form of memory, finely tuned to the spirit.
short cuts to this are trauma, shamanic plants and near death experiences. however if your lucky enough to have seen a burning bush and hear the voice of some disembodied octopus god directing you then i guess only you can trust what it's intentions are. 
which is why i adopted the old phrase, 'know thyself' because the interior landscape is filled with surprises, one must abandon shame, fear and guilt to a certain extent, the fool would not hold on to these qualities lest he no longer be a fool, however one does require the ability to be responsible if you have unconditional responsibilities, i.e. children, work commitments, partners needs, pets, however don't let this deter you, focus your dedication upon them, the universe knows your intentions as do angels.
i think when the process ends the fool joins the deck and another major archetype will appear somewhere down the timeline, the process is cosmic and the journey quite long, sometimes you stop and have a rest for a few years but it's always there wanting to have a meaningful relationship. that's the thing about the tarot, it's part of our (para)phycology, these forces are born and rise and influence or lay dormant,
after the experience of contact it's only natural to indulge in worldly pleasure and whatever... turns you on, it's okay because there is no judgement other than your own that ultimately matters, you have insider knowledge of what's good and bad, what's right and wrong, harm no one, i think sums it up well, it took me a while to work that one out. i always thought self destruction was a path, it's not really a path to anywhere unless you evade it. harm no one works.

so with access to some strange information its best not to abuse it, keep your angel fed with love and feed its spirit regularly with some thing creative, it loves your creative offerings, it loves the dedications of kind acts towards the natural realm, towards the spirit realm, it respects these more than we would respect money or treasures, for the angels operate in a very different realm, less dense, a different kind of tension, these energies also exist with a duality therefore they have their counter energies, but these are weak impotent energies that make pacts with the ego which in itself is weak and impotent. 
sure play with the imps, they need love, understanding and acknowledgement to, that's why they exist so you can set them free, dedicate that act to the higher energies and you will find some peace.

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