Friday, December 20, 2013

i have the surfing spirit, it's not like i surf big waves or look for thrills, i just like the surf, body surfing with my hand fin, splashing around in the ocean focuses everything, sorts my fucking strange multi mind out, brings it back to an elegance i appreciate, it's like getting a car serviced i imagine, but for the soul.
i had a late night, there are dramas afoot in my work domain that are extremely stressful and precarious, who knows what could occur but there battlelines are being drawn. it appears the client i case manage has inherited a lot of money from his father whom i was very fond off, an old blind veteran who was getting his house in order and making sure his son was taken care off, he always said to me, 'don't worry, i'll make sure he's okay.' 
i had no idea he was leaving an insane amount of money for his son, in a trust account. it's a lot of money and his mother wants it. suddenly she's popped up out of the woodwork, the whiff of money has driven her mad and she's doing almost anything she can to get her hands upon it, including using her solicitors to subpoena all my case notes going back a decade and being extremely rude to myself and my colleagues, in fact it became so ridiculous i have had to intervene and cross a line i never wanted to cross but i refuse to have anyone, no matter how old being rude to me and making up allegations that i stop my client from contacting her. he's a complex case, he never spoke to his father much either, i can't force him to the phone, but i do encourage him to call, we all do. 
the solicitors are looking through the case notes attempting to find a reason why he should be moved out of the unit and give financial control to his mother.
the problem is he does not want to move out, if he did we would support him but he's very dependant on stability and security of his environment, it keeps his thinking safe, to move him would be wrong and not in his interests.
but the solicitors dont care about his interests, their agenda is to get their hands on the cash, i think i'm facing a huge battle in the next year over this, my own dept, won't offer any support, the managers are all cowards and useless, they hide their heads in the sands. 
yesterday i rang up some manager and told her the situation, i spelled it out to her in an uncompromising way. 
i think the whole dept has a red light that flashes when i ring em, they know i'm dangerous, i shake em up and because i know my stuff they do eventually take heed, then about a year later they punish me for it. that's the way it has always been with these clowns, i'm not fussed, i always think, fuck you dept, i don't work for you, i'm here to support the people i support, not your useless fucking management and managers. 
anyways, the heat is closing in, soon i will have to meet with the parties and lay down the law.

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