Wednesday, June 30, 2010

old captain mission feels the cold after the sun sinks, it's winter and mr.freeze has me in his sights. night's i have to bunker down, old mission control is difficult to keep warm, i must look a sight in my strange pjs and hat, my overcoat and scarf but these here are hard times and old captain mission has weary bones and blood that needs the occasional jump start these days, mostly nights. i smashed my head again a week or so ago, it was my own fault having no spacial awareness, it's amazing i am alive. i was crouching down, searching for virgin cold pressed olive oil at work, i discovered it hidden away on the lowest depths of the cupboard, my eyes straining, my back creaking and my joints all throbbing from neglect and regret. i reached inside the cupboard and clutched the bottle then jumped for joy, with full propulsion from my wonderfully adept thighs, enthusiasm stopped dead in it's tracks by the corner of a cupboard that lurked above me. okay to describe this i can only say the sudden transition from acute joy to absolute out of body pain was incredible, i was brought to my knees, dumbfounded, struck mid flight by the most intense feelings, none of which i can say were pleasant.
the wave of nausea as i knelt there on the floor seemed involuntary, as if my whole response system had been hijacked. i think my eyes watered up and for a moment i saw the stars.
anyway later, days later, yesterday in fact i noticed my head had swollen up and now engraved across the left side of my scalp is a trench like the grand canyon and some bruising. then came the throbbing pain and discomfort. so i took myself down to the hospital, midnight, they asked me a lot of questions, i mistakenly said it was 1810 when they asked the date, i actually knew it was 2010 and im not really sure why i said 1810 but i did. then they asked me for an emergency contact number, family etc, next of kin?
no one. i am truly alone. it was quite a strange shock.
i was told that the pain in my head was the injury repairing itself so i drove home back to mission control put my head down and let it do it's work.

head injuries seem to chase me, why? what the hell is going on, what strange pattern is being repeated here. what part of this puzzle am i failing to get, everytime i have one it's like a reset button and part of me dies and something new is born, i just want a quiet life, get the girl, be creative, hideaway, get old and happy and die smiling.

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