Saturday, June 19, 2010

conspirisy theory, look for a pattern, connect the dots, get a picture force a circle into a square. most people who have consiracy threories come across as spiritual, let me tell you now that a spiritual person dosn't waste their time with consiprisy theories.

there's a guy i work with who asked me straight out over the phone, 'are you a magickian?'
'yes.' i said. 'that's exactly what i am.'
he said this becuase he was about to phone me when i rang him for some work related issue, he literally jusy went to the phone and it rang.

i'd spoken to this guy a few times, he was reding a book about tibetian meditation, we talked a little. the other conversations he started going on about jews, israel and the usual stuff. he said he wanted smash israel and israelis and i just listened and thought to myself, jesus if i had a dollar for every time some one said that to me.
the other time he spoke to me he said, 'they must being paying you to much.'
his comment was directed at my car.
now this is a guy who dosn't know me at all, has really no contact with me outside of a few minites in total.
anyways last week we had this conversation and today he followed up on it, as i knew he would.
'so tell me about this magick?'
'well there's nothing to say.'
'i hope your on the white side.'
'no man i don't belive in white sides.'
in somewhat agressive tones, 'so you think it's okay for anyone to do anything?'
'that's not what i said.'
'what do you belive in?'
then he went on about his tibetian buddism and his medattive practice. then realising i wasn't immpressed asked me why i didn't belive in white magick.
'i don't see the world in dualistic terms.'
'how do you do that?'
'training, disipline.'
'i can't do that, i do good, the buddists call it noble deeds.'
i give him a brief history of the bon tibetians and their war like history and invasion of china and then ask him how he understands the laws of karma, how does his tiny mind which cannot get around the concept of duality can he hope to fathom the mechanics of karma.
he recognises that i am not the dumb freak he thought i was, there's a flicker of fear in his eyes, he's backing off now, keeping a distance, he mumbles something about needing a master, and do i follow any master.
'no,' i say, 'i don't belive in masters.'

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