back from the airport having dropped emilie off, she's of to visit gold coast husband, dave with the dumb dog, am i jealous, envious, upset, disappointed? nope, no hostile feelings whatsoever, no rage boiling under the surface, thoughts of vengence or revenge, no silent sighs, or flickering images of abandonment, no the simple truth is i love emilie, which is why despite all the freaking oppurtunities that occurred in last night's haze of exotic smoke and green tinged elixiers, jaque breul playing in the background, i managed to maintain self control, and the moment she made her move, those georgous lips, the lips that i see when i close my eyes, they fluttered their way towards mine, butterfly kiss, i got my wish, a kiss that said more than any book i ever read, a kiss that equates to every moment i longed for, dreamed of and desired, all time had come to focus upon this simple act that melting moment, that forever now and i and smiled saying, 'mmm you smell nice.' there was no return kiss, my lips remained still, my heart beat slowed under the guidence of techniques mastered over the last 3 years, thanks, Dr. Hyatt.
emilie read me exerpts from her novel, the narrative had been transalated from french to english and i could hear the language difference as she read, but this was not influencing the story in a negative way, in fact quite the contary, the more she read the more i found myself emmersed in her style, the story and it's descriptions, yeah, she's got it, the writers thing, the curse or is it a blessing? i read enough to know about it, she's got it in spades, it falls out of every pore in her beautiful luminous skin, the girls a fucking genuis and i am the only one who knows, what's going on here? it's an inversion of the frankenstien story, the crazy eccentric old magickian creates the woman of his dreams, the perfect partner who seduces him with her brain, he recognises her power all that beauty all that intellect in one individual is to much, it could only self destruct, he sees all of his life reflected in hers, not a mirror, no this is phenomoneon, this has potentiality, the union of both can create something awesome, it's shamanic. however the magickian extracts the brain and keeps it in a pool of nutrients, places it in his chambers suspended from the cieling, it's diembodied voice, still emilies, but this time emminating from the speakers above the dining table where he enjoys their conversations and humourous discussions, while he drinks wine and eats blueberry ice cream, he knows she will never destroy him as long as he maintains dominance and control by no control, the moment he capitulates she will use her brain to hack the system, throw herself together a new body and escape, consequently, the relationship is demanding and energy consuming, yet it is everything it can be. but being male the magickian's desires get the better of him and one hot summer evening, just before those north breezes kick in, he implants the brain into a body he has laying around, purely for hedonstic purposes, to consumate their relationship. we all know it ends in tears.
but whose?
yeah well on the drive back, through the rain, the streets uncurled in front of me like a video game, and my car, at long reef skidded, yeah skidded, outta control, just like a movie, while inside, pan and i exchanged a glance through my rear veiw mirror, time did not cease but warped and i knew that there was nothing i could do to regain control, just skid into the events and hope that the millions of things that could hit us miss and we them. I think that some where else in my blog i spoke about the way death and i relate, it's a friendship that i've had since i was a kid, occassionally we connect and catch up, always at poinent moments, it's not like we seek one another, it's not like we even have much to say to one another anymore, it's more a casual affair that's lasted a life time, and one day deaths going to come and marry me but it wasn't today. Today was a day death pecked me on the cheek and said, 'remember, i always give you what you want, and i always take it away.'
And today i gave emilie a hug, bit her on the lip and put her on the plane, despite her texts for me to return and kiss her , i didn't, i may be romantic but i am original and the script we write is clique free, well maybe not but long goodbyes at the airport..... i hope i drew a little blood, i hope that tiny bite mark irritates her all week, to the point it becomes a gentle throb bordering on irritational pain and discomfort, and i hope that when she runs her tougue over her lip she thinks of me and smiles.
meanwhile my plan for the week is health, lots of excersise, meditation, yoga and generally develop my body, which i often neglect due to lack of intrest. However emilie said she would fuck me if i develop a six pack and a challenge like that is kinda hard to ignore from a girl like her.
never worry about pollution + radiation. they are just vital chemical signals to update the ecology.
as a species we never will solve the problems here on earth. we cant - we are not wired to do so. the elements to achieve this do not exist, once such a profound ecological process is put in place there is no going back.
the good thing is that it speeds panspermia.
we are still in the first phase of systematic pollution. just hang on.
also, ive solved the black hole issue.
blackholes exist to recycle information by stripping it of its photon-component (light), & returning it to spacetime in the subnuclear hearts of stars. there they regroup with new photon-hosts, bunch into clusters as quantum particles and set off waiting for a receptive brain (of which there are zillions across all G9 systems) to be matrixed into ideas.
brains are a vital link in the entire info-chain. they connect ideas in conglomerations outside of the logic of quantum fission-fusion and make them into spacetime clusters, some of which become matter.
intelligence is the ability to arrange these infobytes into more fun, more humorous, more adventurous clusters. the more intelligent you are the more you are actually facilitating the evolution of a universe by connecting infobytes that might otherwise never see each other.
also (& i wont go into it) consider that each time an infobyte goes thru the system it RETAINS contact (albeit at a beyond quantic level) to every other infobyte it has ever met. extropy. consider then that not only is the universe evolving, but the process of evolution is evolving as the infobytes build up 'memory'.
ive got a lot more on this, involving string (each infobyte is strung together with others that each exist in universes also evolving, but along different principles) where as universes become more extropized the fundamental dynamics change and universes may suddenly reach the 'info-weight' of another and merge, with a massive rush of new information enter a system.
think of it all like water draining into numerous bath tubs then all draining out again into others.
its a hoot. im glimpsing C8 bits & pieces as my reality here gets stretched.
oh yeah, that formula for information i sent you last week; discard it.
i left out a most vital factor: temperature. im still chewing thru the implications, but basicly it involves the notion that the lower the temperature the lest entropy (n) - freeze something at ab.0 and no information is lost.
to me this implies a system where information is GEO-SPECIFIC (as if we didnt know that) but on such a massive scale to involve novas etc.
makes me wonder then - what is the temperature of blackholes.
what is the temperature of the hypothalamus?
if the brain can connect such a wide spectrum of info - indeed go beyond entropy itself - is 37c the temperature of intelligence?
do we inhabit this spectrum of matter/spacetime simply because of the temperature?
its huge!!
gonna take a lot more caffeine, dmt & thought than previously reckoned.
please post this so your fans dont think you hang out with the kinda half-wit that would overlook such an obvious gap.
hi proffessor, lets see, as a species we are not going to solve anything, it's genocide baby, save for a handful of resourceful billionares and their sexy side kicks, a few test tubes and a packet of frozen sperm. Earth ecology don't need us, it never needed us, it just needed the experience of us, ohhh, you know, like the first time you got a cold, it's just testing its immune system, that's okay though cos does a cold germ need to know any more about the space it infects, nope, it just does what it does until the ecology changes and it's not needed.
i have considered the panspemic theory and conclude the only way to leave the planet is by thought, travel through time and space in a mind ship, mine is shaped like a heart not a brain, although ultimatly the cosmetics don't factor into the equasion, its all a form of propullsion.
out in deep space the minds are amazed at how busy the place is, there's so much congestion, mind1 says, 'freaking hell man, we was better of on that planet.'
Mind7 'you gotta be kidding, the one with all the weird weather?'
'yeah earth, at least it had clouds.'
'had being the operative word. what ya got planed for the weekend anyways?'
'i'm just drifting man, got no plans.'
'wanna get loaded down the outer rim.'
'yeah, sounds like fun.'
'bring some girls and the frozen sperm.'
something like that, but im beginning to feel its not a genocide thing - a few ultra-adaptable members of every species will always be left. evolution works thru diversity, it doesnt pay to kill of every member.
earyh ecology does need us!! we are earth ecology, just as we are space ecology. you gotta go camping. we are a vital element in an entire web. we are just as important as reptiles, fish are, protozoans are.
our species inability to solve our most dire survival issues are not genocidal, not because we dont want to, but because we cant. the problems we have here are the same as our virtues - what sents us into cyberspace is what poisons the oceans, what chokes the rivers is what breaks the speed of sound etc. the only real problem is that we label them that way. they are by-products of evolving at an ever increasing rate. sure we dont have to add to them for no reason - that is suicidal. but much of it is the biochemical trigger to mutate.
now, panspermia is not an ecsape. it wont be any easier out there than back here. but it will be infinitly more creative + interesting.
thought is a good way to do it but then you leave your body behind. i personally like the idea of taking an immortal body with me across the universe.
personally id go with the shape structure of a single cell. after all, something like thats probably what landed here.
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