Tuesday, April 11, 2006

it's been a fucking long day and i am feeling a bit tired, my heads spinning a bit cos me neighbor confessed she was having a breakdown and proceeded to breakdown, girls tend to do this a lot with me due to my feminine nature, but i always feel awkward none the less, it's me hands, i never know what do do, i mean if it was my girlfriend or something i'd hold them but my neighbor and i always keep our boundaries well defined, besides i hate people getting to close to me, every one of my friends will tell ya, i'm an elusive bastard.
well fortunately through my tired cells came some clarity and i was able to offer some good advice, so here it is.
If you are fortunate to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown or be in the midst of some kind of post traumatic stress then here's what ya need to know.

1. Always think that you are not having a breakdown, it is actually a break through.
2. Break throughs are rites of passage, you're going to meet your god or goddess but ya have to face death (metaphorically)
3. They are a normal response to the world and it's constructs
4. If it dosn't kill ya it will make ya stronger
5. Man cannot discover new lands unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
6. It will pass and in retrospect it will be the best thing that ever happened to you.
7. Navigate your responsibilities but do not be attached to maya

So women men on the verge of a nervous breakthrough, enjoy the ride, face your fears, its a beautiful thing.

I was feeling pretty weird myself, i mean the amazing french girl is fucking some one else, and i'm possibly just her means to an end, i guess she don't need to marry me anymore. i'm good at letting go, i had a lot of practice, it looks like it's going to be me and Pansy and Jake, that's a pretty good outcome and if i am honest, although slightly sad, it's all good, everything is perfect, i walked down to the beach and looked at the moon, it was georgous.
On the news, Venus has a case of runaway global warming, maybe we came from there, i always believed in that panspermic theory. Wonder what's next, after we trash this one.

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