Saturday, August 10, 2013

veils abound this fabric of reality, small pockets of interludes, tiny holes leaking through, aspect ratios and tangential flow, possible breech in integrity.
i can't control the words, the language that spills from the other sides, i'm only conduit, innocent lamb in the shadow of the beast, or am i the beast. this is everyman's question, my own shadow nature haunts me like a despicable friend from a reptile history, i slug it a few shots with my old trusted lunar powered zap gun but the charge is far to weak, and i'm developing a theory that the shadow self is lunar powered, if only i had some solar weaponry but i'm all out of sun.
you see it's all about living in the line that divides both sides, all about equilibrium. you can't drag the world of darkness into the light, you have to adjust that within yourself, and maybe that's about all one can do, unless you delve into some powerful voodoo, a lonely old wizard in a tower or a man lost in space...

eons ago, there was a space war spanning several galaxies, i found an aspect of myself adrift, floating somewhere in the void, my ship, a fragment of life support, energy cube dwindling down, drifting through emptiness, surrounded by a space i couldn't fill. so i jacked into memory2, recalled some love affairs, a certain adventure with a dragon woman. i figured it would be a good way to pass through the vessel of this life into the next, so i remembered and forgot at the same time. waiting to die, didn't need to be so lonely, i could just let my mind drift through memory2.
there she was, all a splendour in her red dragon neon suit and her winged fabric, how i loved that tail, with it's strange pronged tip. 
she flew so well, drifting in dawns haze, over rivers, through the patchwork mists, under the bridges of rock. i felt alive and in love, ha, believe me, even in that memory the irony was not wasted.
she had such lovely shoulders and i stroked the area where her wings connected to them, my fingers weaving a strange tiny trail downwards as she purred, i think she was about to whisper something in my ear, her mouth hovered there for a moment and i felt the tremor of anticipation, but then it changed, and in that point of slow death i saw reprieve. 
i think the oxygen system was depleted, i was a dead man, hanging onto a soft memory as life passed through me, but now instead of the dragon woman i was being pulled from the chamber. a massive cable plugged into my suit, my body felt a strange electrical impulse, it spasmed like a jelly and then some huge force rocked into my heart and that first beat kick stared blood and my eyes must have opened.
i must have left my body, i mean i could see them all working on me, the salvage team, unplugging the electrical pack, taking readings, shining lights in my eyes, i could see my muscle atrophied body laying there, i could see the wound on my shoulder, the scar on my face above my eyebrow. everything went bright, white out.

i was sitting in a chair, a woman, she said she was a healer asked me questions, a man sat in the corner with his arms folded and an unreadable smile. 
'where am i,' would have been the obvious question, but instead i asked her where the darkness had gone.
she looked at me puzzled, 'there is no darkness here.'
i believed her for a moment, she seemed earnest enough, but through the haze of thoughts i knew the darkness was still there, inside, dormant, hidden away disguised in some way.
'i think it's inside me, please get it out,' those last three words staggered as i fell back, energy depleted.
later they offered me some food, fruit and some cool water, a paste type of sweet protein. it had been months since i had eaten, my mouth chewed it slowly, the machinery of eating felt awkward and clumsy, liquid dribbled from my lips.
later i meditated, did some yoga, sat alone for long periods in-between visits from my rescuers. i focused on breathing, stretching and keeping my mind still.
when the woman came back i'd answer her questions, which she answered. 
they were explorers, not from earth, in fact they had never heard of earth, they had never met a human although i suspected we shared similar dna, they had been travelling through space for a long time and were about to return when they discovered my burnt out capsule.
they seemed kind, generous, whatever society they left behind i felt it was a healthy utopia, they knew no conflicts, no hunger, no one suffered needlessly, people were free to do whatever they wanted, there was only one law, do no harm. they knew no shame, no guilt, no pride and throughout their society not one individual suffered. 
as my body repaired itself i saw their technology was much more advanced than earth's science, yet it was hidden, i could see no machines, no panels, lights or screens, they just seemed to be able to manifest what ever they wanted, a subtle wave, a nod, a blink, a twitch, a glance, such actions would just cause changes, things would appear or disappear, a hand would turn slowly and open and inside from nowhere a round blue fruit would lay, ripe and ready for eating. i was always mystified, how, how i would ask. 
my saviours just said, 'it is abundant,' i think they were puzzled by my question. 
there was no name from whence they came, no name for them as individuals and they never asked me for a name, in fact i don't even know how we spoke the same language, we just did, it was not telepathy, somethings else, a knowing as though all boundaries were dissolved and we shared the same mind.
the conflict had left me nervous, i was shell shocked, in deep trauma, i spend many hours looking out from the screen at the space that passed by, in the distance a purple swirl soaring upwards like a spiral, and splattered around its vortex planets seemed to orbit.
i'd never seen structures like it, this was not a part of anything i was familiar with. i had no terms of reference, i was in unknown territory, completely of the radar. 
my hosts explained they would be returning home and they would be happy for me to come with them, or they would put me at any 'earth' outpost i requested, but there was no earth outpost here, earth was dead, lost to the darkness. we had lost the war, i could feel it deep down in my heart, over powered by our enemy, it had eaten our souls in its endless hunger.
did i have a duty to seek out survivors, did i have a responsibility to my race, had we run and lost, either way i was alive. the morality kicked in, i was alive and contaminated heading to a new universe where a pure race existed, in total harmony, i wondered what the dangers were of a human soul infecting them with the darkness, i gazed out at the cluster of stars.
when the woman returned she listened to my story, about the war, the spiritual war and she smiled and reassured me, 'the darkness cannot harm us, we are immune to such things, and we can heal you and any people from your race we find.'
'how are you immune,' i said cynically.
'it's just an idea someone planted within your heads, it probably has a deep history in your narratives and mythology, whereas our species has nothing, no narratives, no duality, no boundaries, no ideas, we just live without these things, they are almost abstract to us, not real at all to us. even the idea of light and dark are abstracted, mere words that entrap us.'
'what is real?' i whispered like a child...

...when i opened my eyes i was back, back in my capsule, and the last moment of breathing seemed to pass through me, as consciousness dwindled and the lights flickered off and the echo of the word, 'nothing.'

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