Saturday, August 03, 2013

i don't know where i was, somewhere in germany, dusseldorf i think at some technological building shaped like a flying saucer, i'm with a bunch of strangers all clambering up the steps, willingly entering the stomach of the beasty which swallows us up in darkness.
you got to hand it to the germans, they design well, plush and elegant exhibitions but the one i am drawn most towards is a white pod like chair which i sit in. it's perfectly comfortable, excellent spinal support and whatever the lining is seems to mould itself to my shape. the walls of the pod like chair seem to wrap themselves around me and i close my eyes relaxing.
seconds later i notice a small control panel at my fingers, and i press one of the buttons. 
music burst out and surrounds me, clarity perfect, it's some sort of electronic music, kraftwork or tangerine dream, that germanic beat pulses right through my bones, i'm floating in space, the sound system is like the best i have ever heard, it's everywhere, bathing me in soft delicious music. 
yeah this is the future, pleasure domes, i want one.

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