i'm developing my grumpy olde man persona, he pops up every now and then, my son nick named me walther mattheu when he was about 5, along with my girlfriend at the time. they used to jump on my bed and yell, 'walter mattheu' knowing it drove me mental, ha, funny buggers, i'm not really grumpy but i like being old enough to be irritating and rub a few people up the wrong way, byron bay types, communists and the green movement although i must admit having a much greater respect for nature than they do. hypocrites.
anyway's in my grumpy persona i wear a black suit and carry a book called 'the end of times' by slavoj zizek a man i respect but disagree with on one fundamental principle, he has not factored into his left wing attitudes, human nature, and until this nature is challenged humanity as a collective cannot escape their own demise. i liked his note about the buddhist acknowledgement that war and conflict are inevitable and in order to survive man has to wage war against less enlightened beliefs. this complies with the dali lama's statement that the war in iraq was justified under the circumstances. the media did not make a big deal out of this, i guess it's to controversial and better to have global conflict that agreement, sells more papers.
anyway i have my grumpy glasses on, and anyone that looks at me moves away quickly, yeah fuck off leave me alone.
some poor woman decides to chat with me, but i hit her with some words and she makes an excuse and moves away, then someone starts talking about the cattle issue in indonesia, 'we can't offend our neighbours' she says.
'fuck them,' i say, 'we should be offending them and every country that has no respect for life that's the trouble with the world, not enough offending, we are to busy being nice instead of pointing out a few home truths.'
'well you have to be diplomatic,' she says.
'we don't have time for diplomacy, either people get it or they don't.'
they move away, leaving their bacon and toast.
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