Saturday, June 11, 2011

blue vishnu in a tattoo, skin contact with the sex principle, she's a radiant being, no stealer of souls, yet she steals my juice, erotic flesh machine, what do we seek but oblivion now. in soft sighs and gentle moans, one extended scream, pleasured smile, glimmer in your pupil, lips parting bloom to kiss. we slept till dawn and in the morning she was gone, she never stays for breakfast, but it's okay she feasts upon my need and i'm okay with my blue vishnu and her eastern promise. a little death they say goes a long way, in tantra i am replenished.
down in babylon, the strange meeting of minds, tim, chris and i run through some factual evidence, truths abound but they are lies, tim says, 'there is no truth' and i reply, 'that's your truth.'
cosmic dimensions applied, i'm doing my thing, checking stories getting mine straight, there's a touch of lou reed in the air, street hassle, a friend sees me and i'm ignored, it's appropriate i think, she's with her trained chimp whom i find difficult to engage with, good bye i think, onwards to a final resolution, my thoughts pass me, fleeting things a woman tells me that i look like i am about to rob the bank. it's true, i wear a hood black pants, black boots, black jacket, i have a black beard and very dark skin, i guess to the dumbed down zombie brain of the monkey mind i am about to rob a bank but i reply, quite aggressively, 'madame, you will find the robber of banks are the banks, and mostly wearing suits and ties under the glamour of respectability,' she walks away looking very embarrassed as i add to more words to my equation, 'wall street.'
later another person, quite random implies i am going to mug her, to which i respond, 'i wouldn't waste my time, there's nothing in your mind i would want.'
yes i am direct and defensive today, tim looks at me proudly, yeah tim knows me and respects me. that's why he's my friend.
the cold closes in, dressed in fashionable labels and super trend but i blast them all with my moon powered ray gun, it's electric blue blast cuts through stupidity, hypocrisy and lies like a laser, there's no defence, i got my electric eye on you babe.
we split, on the corner of the street, the feng shui flows to a standstill at this point, i've mapped babylons currents, i'm familiar with them, ride them like waves after a starburst.
i drive home for a quick smoke at spots.
all is in place for the rise and rise of captain mission.

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