Saturday, August 28, 2021

up at dawn, take the long walk along terrible beach, the new walkway is spectacular as the sun pierces the dawn. everyone out without the mask, without bothering about the social distancing, it's good to see. as if a flimsy mask can actually stop a virus. 'follow the science' the dumbed down zombies say, and if you do you actually discover the truth. i have to laugh at humanity, lemmings or sheep. 
i get as far north as possible and turn around, a few swimmers are out and a handful of surfers out on the point, dangerously close to the rocks.
i grab my new coffee, a macadamia latte. sip slowly watching the surf, the electric blue sky and the sun kissing my skin. it's a good life.

i've been watching the new adaptation of phillip k dicks, 'the man in the high castle' and it's excellent although the pace is slow, execution to detail is accurate and the plot intriguing, even though it deviates from the novel somewhat i wonder where it will take me. 
imagine if the nazi and japanese armies had won the war, imagine an america divided west and east, the west japanese the east german. a small slither of mid state as a free zone. imagine the japanese uneasy alliance with the nazi's as a small resistance smuggles cinema films interstate that depict an alternative reality where the allies won the war. that's just the background in which the story takes place. 
alternative history is interesting but not a genre i have really enjoyed, i read a book once about what may have happened had the american indians met the romans but generally i stay away from these types of books. pkd managed to cover many themes in his work, and alternative history of 'the man in the high castle' is recognised as one of his greatest works. 

i drive the hybrid back home, i like driving it when the roads are empty and the sun is out, it's very relaxing. at home i potter around and complete my chores, it's a good feeling. i take a few calls and then find myself exhausted so i sleep upon the chaise lounge and let the afternoon pass me by. 

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