Saturday, November 09, 2013

plastic drops falling from big macs and hungry burgers, dead cow fat juice, young baby animal burger please, i'll take two for my children and we would like the horse hoof pudding as well, yeah animals are ours to use, we are the kings of the jungle right, it's our domain although animals eat animals, the lion would eat us, especially if we were filled with cow meat, would they eat a vegan, no apparently they spit them out. i've thought about becoming a vegan, i can't commit to the process totally, i think it's a good philosophy only i don't like the absolution of it, i like a nibble on a cheese melt, occasionally i have to eat fish. i'm always grateful but it's not good enough is it, my grace didn't do the fish any good, but them plants have life to, i'm very aware of this, plants have a super intelligence, is it okay to kill a plant. all life has some intelligence or consciousness. i'm certain some have more than others. what's the best diet, i think the best diet is to do your best to be aware that your life is given by other life, integrated eating. when i was a total vegetarian i heard a hunter talking, he said, 'i hunt my meat, i don't go into a supermarket and buy some slab of meat that's been killed industrially. hunting gives me an appreciation of the process, it's honourable, i eat my meat with a sense of gratitude for life, not a clinical detachment.'
this made sense to me, i respected this hunter despite my inclination to dislike him. 
however i couldn't take a life of anything, i tried but it don't work. even cockroaches at mission control get swept up in a plastic container and chucked out.

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