Friday, November 22, 2013

5 am i wake up and drive down to the beach, the suns coming up but it's obscured by clouds, light barely penetrates the thick layer hanging low, i pull up at the beach watching the angry waves. there's no surf for me this morning, it's messy and dark, under currents forge deadly one way pathways, no one else is out. i fall asleep for a while, must have dozed off listening to the ocean roar. 
i grab a coffee (decaf) and drive back home into an electrical storm, lightning splits the horizon in two, the elements uncaged today, pounding rain begins to fall. 
at mission control i'm greeted by my water dragon, he looks forlorn sitting on the tiny wooden bridge getting wet in all the rain. i say hello and check pan in the back, his back legs have been playing up and he's been miserable the last few days, he's happy to see me. 
later the trees start swaying violently as the wind comes sweeping through the bushland, it's a almost howling like a gothic movie, branches start to fall, huge logs plummet down and suddenly debris fills the lawn. only yesterday i spend most of the day clearing it, working in the bloody garden and today it looks wild, that's the way it is i guess, gardens consume your time but they also heal you and offer you something in return, i look out at my balinese plants, the tiger grass i planted a few weeks ago is getting larger, the palms seem happy and the ferns all look healthy and well manicured. a log falls by my feet, it could have knocked me out easy, a fraction to the left, the thump is loud. i stand there wondering about the trees that surround me, how they must exist in this tension with gravity. when the rain comes i run inside.

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