Friday, November 08, 2013

late surf, sun blasted terrigal swarming with people but the oceans are empty save for a few, the waves are choppy, not conducive to surfing with my fin but in i go, splashing through the currents.
later i pass through the cafe where the elegant mysterious woman whom i feel so strangely in awe of awaits, not for me alas, she's busy with everyone and as i sip on my date and banana smoothie i contemplate the passing possibilities.
she moves like a gazelle, motion soft and articulated with the grace of a feminine myth. she smiles like a star spreading some serenity just by existing, giving live and sustenance, and i guess all i can do is soak it up and be grateful for beauty in the world. is that wrong, i feel like a voyeur but i can't deny myself the simple pleasure of such divinity. her husband may punch me in the head, her fiance may challenge me in a dual, her partner may just assault me with some barbarian slang but i am just a rabbit in her headlights, how pathetic, old captain mission, man of words and spontaneous flirtation with random women can't even speak. how bizarre that my mind offers billions of conversational realities, branching out into trillions of possibilities yet in this one i'm dumbstruck.
the irony.
one day i'll invite her to sit down and just blurt out  how beautiful i think she is and ask for her story, i'll make her laugh and she would see i'm a safe kinda guy, no expectations, no conditions, no irrational fear, which is ironic because she offers this safety, it's part of her energy. oh i tell ya, she's pretty awesome, what a muse she would make, the embodiment of the goddess, it would make me the most humble man on earth.

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