Wednesday, November 20, 2013

there are things in this world that are simply beautiful and the lady that makes my smoothies is that. 
i really could get so lost in her i'd never find my way out, she would be my muse for lifetimes and we would be wrapped in eternity forever bound to one another and yet simultaneously free. is that ridiculous? i don't know, it makes sense to me, she may think it's ridiculous when i mention it one morning in the near future, come on, sooner or later i have to break through the spell and actually talk to her but for the moment i'm really enjoying her energy and the way it drives me, she really is neptune's daughter and neptune did offer me one when i was surfing one morning.
but this morning she was wearing a tee shirt that said, 'i'm no wifey' this morning and i read it and thought that's great, for i was mighty worried she was a wife to some lucky guy or gal.
well it was a beautiful smoothie, i like a good banana and dates with you.
a god and goddesses daughter. 

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