Sunday, January 01, 2012

a man should be free, free from the past, free from his program, free from what people think off him, what he chooses to do, who he chooses to be and how he chooses to explore his universe should be his own choice and non restricted by any law, uncovering his truth and then acting in accordance with what he feels his purpose is providing it does not harm another persons true purpose or will. in order to attain ones true will one needs to do some preliminary groundwork. in magick this is known as conversation with holy guardian angel or augoeodies, this can be reached through traditional magickal methods or by focusing on perfecting, motionless, breathing, non thinking, magickal trances, object and sound and image concentration which results in transmutation of the mind to magickal consciousness. the ability to change oneself has more power over the ability to change the external universe. 
duality must be transposed, despite being the minds default position, which is why we are suffering in-between moments of joy.
laughter is the antidote and therefore perfect as a banishing act, it has no fundamental opposite. 
non attachment of your own thoughts protects against obsessions.
the metamorphosis of the self and acts of magick must be recorded in what has been known as a magickal diary, or perhaps in my case a magickal blog.
in order to undertake a process such as the magickal one we must by pass what is known as the rational mind, for this will filter out the magickal universe.
as i have mentioned earlier in the blog there are very good ways to do this and the process is known as gnosis. my preferred methods are sex, plant medicines, sleep depravation and dreaming. don't mix and match methods, chose and work with one each ritual, there's a huge range you can chose from including, anger, sensory overload or depravation, trance, gazing, fasting, chanting, pain, drumming, fear, concentration etc you will find the ones that work for you through your own experimentation. once perfected it becomes second nature to hack the psychic filter or rational mind, i am considered totally nuts by most people i know, but this is because i work in a consensus reality and operate in another. the 'totally nuts' over time just becomes slightly eccentric or quirky and this is almost accepted although not quite, the magickians path is lonely but it will attract interesting and like minded people to, especially children, whom are able to see themselves in you.
experiment with the gnosis that suits your own brain / mind / body most people prefer sexual gnosis, this can be done solo but it's much better if you have a willing and receptive partner. the scarlet woman or whore of babylon are exalted roles and should always be treated with the upmost respect and care, for they are the magickians cup to his wand. i've found sexual partners whom find the magickal aspect of sex very beautiful and arousing and surprised me by their willingness to learn and experience and then there's some who revert back to their frightened morality and tag you with the judgement of evil or perverted, which is why tantra is used more often instead of sex magick, it's user friendly. remember to the initiate all sex is an act of devotion first.

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