Wednesday, January 04, 2012

the splash of indifference, the twist of nostalgia, the sliver of sublimation and pour through a stranger, iron out the wrinkles in time, and beat occasionally with a wet wooden spoon. when it reaches a fine consistency pour the liquid into the moulds and bake for several days. 
yeah i'm sorry, i lost the plot, that occasionally happens, i default to something else, another persona takes over and well, it's not an excuse, i am after all a work in progress and mistakes are bound to happen.
my thoughts don't express well sometimes, ideas come across jumbled and mis represented, intention misunderstood, i don't know, i just write what is in my head, travelling through my crusty neutrons, i'm not an authority on anything and this blog is just a mode of writing.
i gotta express my ideas and reflect on them, it's a deep impulse i cannot ever limit, i can't think about the reader or what he or she makes of it, you're a free individual, you can make your own mind up about it, and i'd probably agree with most of what people say, the ravings of a madman and fool.
the point i guess is i am not my blog, i'm a traveller, a sort of astral psychonaut on a journey and this is my way of recording events, it's a representation but it's not actually me and most of the time ideas and writing are not very well thought out because it's a diary of sorts and a reflective device, all stream of consciousness. but i should not make excuses, while some of it may well be bullshit to the reader, there are some elements that are worthwhile. i know this is true no matter what, that cant be diminished or devalued. 
one day the compilers will look through this work and organise it into sections for each persona that has written entires, and some will be liked more than others, some will have merit some not, some will be worth reading and others will be trashed. i accept that. however i will keep writing, and keep exploring and keep reporting. 

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