my attorney tim is a big man, he's probably one of my best friends, a giant. he's an intimidating presence, a vast aura of power and authority, he has influence over everyone he comes into contact with whereas i prefer to stay in the shadows, my attorney and i have a small spot in a sacred place where we drink coffee and review the transit of venus which is due in june. we ski over politics, tribal religions, women and music, and in general we are aligned, saddened by what we know to be the kali yuga years, watching it all with a certain detachment.
when you have children detachment is very difficult but i guess you have to extend it, practice what you know is true, children are much wiser than we are. our children do not belong to us, they have chosen to incarnate in our lives, teach us what we have to know. sooner or later we lose them, better to loose them to the ocean of life than a war or a tragedy of someone else's making. but what is life but a tragedy which is why the best banishing ritual is laughter.
laughter in the face of adversity, laughter at your own absurdity and the banal paradox from which there is only one escape.
umberto eco writes a fantastic novel based around the medievals churches response to laughter, it's called, 'in the name of the rose' and is worth reading as a fiction novel with a fantastic story but on an esoteric level as well. mind you umberto eco's novels are all multi levelled in this way.
laughter is the best response to the ending of a ritual, clearing space and also banishing negative energies, which is why sometimes it's best to laugh at ones enemies rather than to attack them or defeat them for what can defeat laughter, it is the antidote to tragedy. so look at mankind, strange little civilisation building it's weird little money hungry societies and structures, eating itself, killing it's host, chasing fame and trinkets, a million face book friends, a zillion pairs of shoes, a gazillion hits on you tube, an eternity of zeros and ones. i can laugh at myself, all my crazy ideas, all my words and ideas, all my strange little clues to unravel the mystery. a little pixie dust goes a long way, a little bit of magick makes it all clear, amongst the terror of meaningless existence, here's a way that actually does not reduce itself, it's clarity and perfection, it's the path of illumination and the brighter the more darkness we can see for this is duality and it's all nothing but smoke and mirrors, tears and laughter, ups and downs. i wish my friends were happy more than anything else, i wish them peace and love, a soft landing from the war, a little bit of a reprieve in the battlefield. i don't know how to help them anymore, i can barely help myself these days, just getting each day done is an achievement, but sometimes you gotta just slay the demon, look it in the eye and kill it man. for it's better to liberate what's left of the soul than let the thing claim it totally.
my words are keep yourself safe, protect the children and let it go and i am here if you should need a friend.
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