Thursday, September 01, 2011

snuff music is coming true, existential philosophies strike me down, i'm the armchair philosopher, the media infiltrator, reader of tarot, sayer of yay's and prophecy, i'm the cosmic slide show, the de-constructionists nihilistic null and voider, it's all a dream, it's all as real as you want it, it's just comes in angles and angels and you gotta turn the angle into an angel, and let it go. that's it, time space, once you figure it all out you can create anything you want, i want a happy ending. she may be a redhead, a librarian or a stripper from anteries 7 but love is where it is at, just gotta find the right connection. the hearts works in tandem with mind and brain and gut.
anyway snuff music comes with a happy ending, a way out for everyone, it's construct free, letting go of every idea and trusting the universe has a process and our brains can only understand it metaphorically. it's smoke and mirrors, and wires and traps, and it's only a reflection of you.
all civilisations have risen and falling and this will continue, but the life force always pulses and survives, it just takes time, and time is within the maya of existence, just like space, a distance. let it go mission, mission let it go.

1 comment:

Paiji said...
