Wednesday, August 16, 2006

investigations show that humans need to be social, experiments show that babies left without touch often die, humans need to form relationships with others, these start in the family or tribe and in contempory times even ideology. within each human is a self destruct mechanism, its the trigger that leads to depression and suicide, it's the trigger that alienates individuals, this is like a time bomb resulting in death. usally the individual takes their own life, feeling there is no sense to their life anyway, no purpose. all animals have these self biological destructive circiuts, contary to popular belief evolution is not built solely upon competing self intrested loners, it also relies upon teams of individuals striving for group survival. as a result physiological feedback loops often call upon the individual to sacrifice his health, or even life, for the sake of the larger group. We inhereted this behaviour from our cellular ancsetors who first formed communities, as a result innumerable mechanisms operate within human beings.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that’s some hard core experiments capt’! Who was responsible for that, the nazi’s?

captain mission said...

yeah i take it 'hardcore experiments' refer to the 'leaving babies isolated' without touch or any form of nurturing, history is filled experiments like this. A more conventional scientist rene spitz did some less intrusive observational science on orphaned children back in 1940 and came up with the same result, kids need affection. One of the most well known experiments was preformed over a number of years by psychologists like the infamous Harry Harlow who inflicted unimaginable emotional suffering on hundreds of primates by separating them from their mothers at various early ages.
After separating infants from their mothers, researchers like Harlow and his proteges left the infants with “surrogate mothers” including devilish man-made devices that ejected barbed spikes, or had freezing temperatures, or rocked so violently the young infants’ teeth chattered as they desperately clung to “her.”
Harlow’s research led to the conclusion that infants will cling to the one thing they identify as their source of contact comfort – the one thing they identify as “mother.” They will cling to their surrogate mother at all costs rather than be left completely alone and separated from this physical contact.
John Bowlby, who studied World War II infants who died in orphanages despite adequate nutrition and health, had already informed the world (years before Harlow’s cruel research) of the literally life-saving need that infants have for contact. His observations of war orphans proved that without some form of warm, physical contact and comfort, the infants died despite adequate care of physical needs.
In some studies, young chimpanzees separated from their mothers were kept in bare wire cages or isolation cubicles that restricted their sensory input and social interaction. Some partial isolation experiments on older chimpanzee children lasted as long as four years.
Examples of types of maternal deprivation studies using chimpanzees include:
Chimpanzees, exposed to partial isolation for two to four years, were then exposed to “mild stress” to assess their reactions
Adolescent chimpanzees who had been maternally deprived in infancy/youth were given LSD to see if it might have a therapeutic effect
Maternally deprived infant chimpanzees were used to study the effects of food deprivation and administration of amphetamines on their behavior
Chimpanzee infants/children were deprived of their chimpanzee mother and given to a human to be raised (cross-fostering)
Given the intensity of the mother-child bond for chimpanzees in the wild, this research ranks among the cruelest of all.
It is a known fact that to capture a chimpanzee infant in the wild, his/her mother will inevitably have to be killed – so strong is her instinct to protect her baby – along with several if not all the adults of the group. Free-living chimpanzee mothers are exceptionally protective and caring, and any deviation from this is the result of aberrant behavior.
Ripping infants from their mothers to study the sad effect this has on their emotional, social, and cognitive development and well-being is like dropping apples again and again to continually prove the theory of gravity.
Human psychological and sociological data is replete with information about the importance of maternal bonding and the consequences to the human child when it is disrupted. Yet, apparently there are scientists who support “apple-dropping” types of experiments which simply show over and over an already-known phenomenon so that some researcher somewhere can continue to use animals, be funded, demonstrate already known facts, and call it “research.”