single celled life is programed to survive, as it evolves cells clump together to survive, these cells specialize in various functions that assist make the larger organism, the large organisms in turn clump together and form societies, ants, monkeys, people, these societies all have one function, to survive and they in turn may form super organisms. just as our individual cells have no awareness of their existance and overall design, nor do individual people, or societies. there are exceptions, once that eighth circuit is active, you can get a fix on the ocean of humanity. the eighth circuit in societies and cultures, just imagine, how would it look, where on this planet could that happen on a level where the culture of that country manifests to this level. japan maybe. how about israel.
what i see is a people, the jewish people's continual battle against hostile forces, other societies that are sworn to destroy them, these forces have very little function or drive, anything else is beyond their immediate vision. it is basically that simple. others would see these countries as justified or sympathise with them, thats fine. what is difficult is when these sympathetic countries refuse to let israel defend or act in its own survival intrests. not that this stops israel. the un has shown where its intrests lay time after time, it's double standards and misinformed outbursts are nothing but indications of how it feels about the state of israel. never has it condemed or spoken out about the endless suicide bombings, but its always very quick to accuse israel. and please don't think that this is a blameless society, it's very much a society as that has its own internal operating system issues but generally it is a society that is filled with potential and an awesome vision.
meanwhile over in iran ahmeadinejad is under the delusion that he is heralding the second coming of islams 12th Iman but in order for this to happen he has to bring about armageddon.
israel has its fair share of nuts as well, amongst the temple mount faithful is a small group of 50 people who want to dismantle the temple mount and build the 3rd temple of solomon, making way for the jewish messanic era as predicted in the bible. however the big difference is these people are not the president and they don't have nuclear ambitions.
israel had very little choice but to strike hard now, in an attempt to draw attension to the area, drawing un troops in don't promise it anything but it does buy israel time becuase in 2 years hezzbolah will have access to nuclear or chemical weapons, if not both and then an outdated katushia missile can have a different kind of effect. small pox is the favorite.
mankind, humanity is at a point now where the war within is the war without, ultimatly the line is drawn, this is not really about countries, it is not really about religion, invisible friends or ideology, its just about survival. the forces that have shaped history have always repeated the same old patterns, rise of a civilization, the empire becomes fat and lazy, the barbarian invades and conquers. civilization is just a construct of these superorganisms, we can chose to embrace the universe and our destiny, just as we embrace change, technology sex and art or we can rage against it.
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