Friday, February 03, 2023

late start as i decide to make myself, wait for it...breakfast. yes eggs, toast, avocado and garlic mushrooms.  i brew myself a strong coffee, kick back for an hour and then head towards the beach. the surf is up, it's big today, coming in strong. i'm straight in, mighty session. then at 1030 i have to meet someone for a training session. yes for the last few months i have taken up, boxing.
i love it, the actual impact of hitting something is quite thrilling, a satisfying act as i channel my energy into something that feels violent and therapeutic. an intense feeling as my fist hits the pads. boxing requires physicality, an heightened awareness of the body, correct and precise breathing, intuitive footwork. then there's the mental aspect which means you need to think about your opponents moves. 
the physical aspect exhausts me, it's not enough to just hit the target, you need power and power is something that comes from the bodies psychics. my core is forming, a vortex generator i never could control is now being trained. i am learning the strange engineering in the physical dimension.
after training i am exhausted and parts of me are aching in acute pain but it's good pain, lactic acid burning fat, muscles stretching, synapses sparking into new networks. my body is tuning itself into a powerful form. 
when i finally get home i meet with the builders, we discuss a few things, politics, religion and culture. they have to go to the mosque so we say goodbye and make a plan for next week.
my body aches a bit. i feel great though.

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