Tuesday, February 07, 2023

i had a few weird dreams, most slip back into the ether, i do remember significant occult ones but over years of dream yoga i have learnt how to filter the letters from the junk mail. last nights sequence was strange but not significant. 
i was watching a netflix show called 1899, my friend agent wilde has been speaking about it for ages and saying how good it is. well it is good but it scarily touched on a number of theme which i picked up early on, somehow i knew the ending. yet i have never seen or spoken to anyone about the ending, and the details of the story line were revealed to me, however i never really formed an idea about them in detail just speculated upon what i would do if i were writing, and lo, behold that was the story. 
as it happens it's good, well worth watching as the themes are massive and it's realised in a very clever way. i don't want to spoil it for you but it's worth watching.
and thus my dreams were similar in style and narrative, a labyrinth of interweaving strangeness.
anyways this morning i was awake at 05 00 hours went looking for comets only to find clouds, not one star in the sky so i consumed a cookie.
i had made a powerful batch and forgotten about them so i plucked on from the fridge and scoffed it. then i forgot about it completely and at 14 00 hours i went to check the surf out. 
it's a beautiful day now, despite the cloudy overcast morning, light burnt through and saved the day.
the beach was packed and the surf messy. i'm spoilt with my dawn swims, the place was heaving. i wandered around and finally found myself in a cafe. i ordered a salad and whoosh!
anyway's the day has been good, i like these lazy days, days where i have no plan and no freaking need. they are like the ultimate relaxation, no stress, no fear, no thoughts and no phone. it's been a while since i stopped and felt the sun upon my skin and just done nothing. on days like these the universe sings to me.


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