Thursday, February 09, 2023

capitalising upon europe's misfortune america now supplies oil to the continent after successfully blowing up the north stream pipe. yes, and the good old american govt. are charging 3 times the price than russia charged. yeah you have to admire american enterprise, the whole industrial petro, pharma military enterprise has the planet by it's balls. have you seen who gets to rebuild the ukraine, contracts have been signed, no surprises blackrock is there. it's weird how today seymour hersh exposed this in the media as if it was news, most smart individuals knew this a day after the event. what i have generally found is the news is on average a year old. if you follow certain media platforms that are actually reporting news, and offering balance the news is current. i say one year but that's me being generous, in covid we knew exactly what was going on about 2.5 years before the mainstream. 

the issue is as i have always said, attachment to one political side. you have to read both sides, hear the enemy which sometimes (often) turns out to be your ally when conditions and perspectives shift. there is only one truth, neither side has access to it all but some are closer and there are always agendas in almost everything. even yourself. so the more diverse you share perspectives, the closer to truth you can get. always listen to your ideological enemies, always hear a spectrum of opinion and then you can accurately assess the information.

yesterday the president gave his state of the union address, it was by all accounts a disaster. unless you follow the mainstream lies, after all these clowns lie and cheat, they extort and extract whatever $ they can while their multi international companies, friends and investors all clean up. look at the profits made my the petro pharma military industrial complex. and to add even further flames to a fire, the reserve bank lifted interest rates which means if you have your savings in a bank you get to reap the rewards but if you owe money you are fucked. most normal people are in debt. owing on cars, homes or just credit cards. wages have not increased unless you are a politician,  so the song remains the same.

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