Monday, May 10, 2021

system upgrades all around, my chaos matrix plugs into the universal engine, it's a discombobulating experience, where mental processes are restored with optimal functionality for manifestation. i used a few ancient techniques but now everything happens at q levels, some sort of inner system of conciseness (unconsciousness) guides me. last night i tuned into a babalon presence that was occurring in the blue mountains area, i dunno how, i just felt it and responded. i guess it's frequency based. anyway lilith says to me, fill her cup so i do.
there's some elegant exchanges, subliminal occurrences, i feel the energy vibrate around my skin, expanding outwards, picking up information in the exchange. i spark up new energy centres, my mind is everywhere, like the exploding universe, i ride the wave, the face of the 'bang' filling up void with zen type. the choas matrix sends me into the new. new captain mission, new adventures, a new age. light explodes everywhere. 
am i a god now? part of god perhaps. i can do anything i want.
what do i want?

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