Tuesday, October 25, 2011

in the sunlight, washed up and out, i walk down with my people, we swim in the ocean, splashing around like big blue tuna fish, yeah the water is cold, but it feels good as it hits you in the face. i swim, not quite as elegant as the tuna fish, more like a floundering seal but i'm enjoying it. later i eat some good food with a friend, she's telling me about something important but i'm not really listening, the words are carried away across the bay to the dog park where a wolfhound catches them and chews em up.
we eat, drink and attempt to be merry, i fill her in on the gossip, drama and mayhem. she's shocked and stunned and somewhat saddened. 'yeah sister' i say as i whisper my mantra to myself and speak 'you have to feel pity really, after the anger.'
'pity,' she says, 'what a pathetic thing.'
'yeah that's why the pity.'
someone calls me, i have a duty to my sisters so i make my excuses and go to meet her, she's procrastinating about meeting spots, i'm on foot so i don't care as long as it's in walking distance. 
eventually she texts me, she's unable to meet me, so i wander back to where we all started and splash around on my own. 

in the city tomorrow for some sort of big meeting with some sort of important people, gotta prepare. i am forwards bound, onwards to the inevitable conclusion, the one i have already reached, constructed reality is a sham. none of it has any interest yet it must be navigated else it chews you up and spits you out. 
they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions but i think that's a myth put out by the other side, intention is everything. the road to hell is just destructive intent and investment in artificial constructs, including the layers of self.
all these things must be stripped away before one finds the truth. 
and even then it brings it's own trickery, for self destructiveness has a formula, unless that is followed you run the risk of annihilation and madness. 
what is the formula? 
all has been revealed.
if you took notice you know it already, it's obvious to those who understand metaphor for our universe is a poet and the poet understands the metaphor better than anyone else.

i'd like to become a poet now, but i am and always have been a writer, with a poetic soul maybe?

i notice the 'occupy' movement is getting publicity and many of the people i know are supporters however i am not. it's very misguided and those that support it have no argument except a sort of idealistic notion that is based in some alternative reality. 
they attack the wrong institutions, they don't offer any discernment, they have little respect for others view and are represented by the usual suspects, plus they are supported by the un and some very powerful backers from the very corporation type institutions they oppose. the motive is of course one world government, the enemy of democracy and diversity. these people are zombies, already dead. the best chance they have is to occupy themselves, fight the war inside, the one that enslaves their minds. the rest will take care of itself, no one is oppressing them to do that in modern australian culture yet. once that happens then they have a right to protest on behalf of the 99%.
anyway what do i know, i'm just a man but these are my views, thoughts and imaginings and all i do is write them down in here.

i notice france and germany are ganging up on england now, history repeating perhaps in a strange way, the move to keep the eu together at any cost is about to reap some fall out, england wants to pull away from the whole idea but the major players are not listening. portugal, italy, greece and spain otherwise known in economic circles as 'pigs' are about to pull the eurozone down into the depths of the abyss and medieval feudalism, perfect conditions for an apocalypse or war even, but who would they wage against. knowing europe, probably one another. 

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