Tuesday, October 11, 2011

i guess, i'm just a sad old solider in the army of love but wow, what an amazing force love is, healing, liberating and equalising, in a few years you will understand this, you always have been sick of love, i remember that but sooner or later that thing inside you will seek it. you can't control love, you can't manipulate it or take it away, there is no algebra of need with love, it's just the way it rolls.

you try to defeat me with constructs, your weapons are, law, money, blackmail, power and control, threats, these are indeed powerful weapons and they have wounded many before me but right now they are nothing, your reality is flimsy because it emanates from your fear and that which fears me lashes out and struggles for control. domination is your game, but every faith healer knows inside every dominant lurks a submissive little frightened girl. soft girl. she was the one for me.

the threats of legal action, yeah okay you got me in your sights, you have unlimited resources but what you don't have is anything real, except me ironically. with all my stupidity and male sin, with all my weaknesses and frailties, with all my contradictions, all my crazy ideas and my own strange archaic defence mechanisms, all my crazy whacked out friends, all my art, all my strange stories from the future and past and all my love. they were always yours baby. i love all my friends. it's an equal opportunity thing when you are my friend, you get it all, not just the mask, but the heart.

i got served your legal papers, i'll see you in there, you can win the case and get money from me, you can rejoice in the fact you managed to add me to your list of successful extortions but all it is is absolutely nothing... of value, because money is your god, not mine. 
have it miss cupcake, have it all, as i said recently in the face book 'you can toss all the money in the world into the eternal pit of stupidity and all it will do is burn.' in fact, play your cards out, let them fall, take me to the freaking cleaners old friend, it's only the lack of love you have for yourself that hates me now. i saw it coming, i even whispered it to you so you could break these patterns that entrap you. i have offered you some tools for healing but instead we will watch money burn in the eternal pit of stupidity, all of it, your riches, beauty, past and future and me, the single star that orbits you and does not ever extinguish. like the buddhist monks who set themselves alight, ha, sorry i am a romantic man old friend, you know that. a dreamer, a poet, a rarity, scarce these days i guess, a seeker, a fool, a sage, a writer, a loner and a joker and most defiantly a midnight toker but what ever i am to you, i love you old friend and i will be there for you when you fall.

old friend.

i have no fear of you what so ever.
i have no fear of you at all.
i have no fear.
for i am nothing.
i am

om sri rama jaya jaya jaya rama

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